project Peace Pearl aka J-8II upgrade

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
detialed info on peace pearl

和平典范”是中美蜜月期的巅峰,双方于 87 年签订了向中国出口能改进 55 架次歼-8Ⅱ的相关设备的合同,总金额高达 5.5 亿美元。两架歼-8Ⅱ在 89 年初运到美国,由美方人员试飞评估并进行改进。美方试飞力量雄厚,动用了爱德华兹基地“空军飞行试验中心”(Air Force Flight Test Center)6510 中队。美方试飞项目主管是 5,700 飞行小时的资深试飞员,曾撰写美军飞行学校教材。同时中方约 20 名技术人员前往纽约长岛格鲁门公司工厂、代顿空军基地进行培训学习。但 89 年夏该计划停顿后,美官方和企业都尽量避免提及所有与中国的军事合作计划,以免被指为“援助中国”。因此我们只能根据少量信息,对“和平典范”做一些“纸上谈兵
当时的歼-8Ⅱ航空电子系统落后而缺乏发展潜力,现有雷达无法有效探测低空目标。因此美方主要是为歼-8Ⅱ装备西方 80 年代水平的火控系统,而在发动机、机动性上没有深入的改进。

  新火控系统的特点为,采用数据传输标准总线技术,从而能够彻底提高航电水平;综合雷达、惯导、大气等传感器,提高探测能力;采用先进显示技术,提高人机工效;建立新的外挂管理技术基础;增强自检测、系统容错能力,提高可靠性和可维护性。具体措施为,把 F-16 同期型号的火控移植到歼-8Ⅱ上,包括加装 AN/APG-66(V)火控雷达、座舱显示系统、1553 总线、新型火控计算机等。


  加装 AN/APG-66(V)雷达是“和平典范”最抢眼的项目,为歼-8Ⅱ添加了“金睛火眼”。这可能是首例东方战斗机与西方雷达的官方“联姻”。该雷达由西屋电气公司(Westinghouse Electric)研制,属于 X 波段脉冲多普勒机载火控雷达,主要装备 F-16A/B 等。美方赋予提供给中方的雷达一个新代号:PRC F-8 APG-66(V)。我国当时没有能与之相比的火控雷达。该雷达采用平板隙缝天线,对大型飞机的最大搜索距离约 140 千米。对战斗机的上视探测距离 46 到 74 千米,下视 37 到 55 千米。具有频率捷变能力,抗干扰性好
同时 APG-66(V)的处理机、雷达计算机、存储介质较先进,从而能够提供大容量快速的处理能力。其设计具有模块化的特点,分为 7 个各自带独立电源的可更换单元,插头/插座统一而易于插拔,供电可靠,大量采用可靠性好的数字式器件。因此,APG-66(V)在战地条件下可快速更换修理。对于解放军来说,当时面对着敌人立体化大集团进攻的威胁,更需要截击机长时间连续作战,需要尽可能减低故障趴窝的几率。

  APG-66(V)借助脉冲多普勒技术,能够在地面杂波干扰中搜索并锁定目标,从而发起攻击。老式单脉冲体制的雷达,基本无法做到这一点。APG-66(V)的工作状态很齐全,空空模式例如格斗、快速搜索、自动截获、自动跟踪等。空地模式包括真实波束、8:1 的多普勒波束锐化、地图锁定、对海搜索跟踪等。因此 APG-66(V)奠定了 F-16 良好的火控基础。在这一基础上略加发展后,F-16C/D 型就具有了完善的空地作战能力。

  歼-8Ⅱ最初的火控系统,限于雷达体制,仅能对付中高空目标。这也是米格-23、F-104 等典型第二代战斗机共同的特点,一般只有上视能力,无法下视探测。有了 APG-66(V)这样雷达,歼-8Ⅱ才能够有效的拦截低空突防的敌方飞机和导弹,例如当时已大量装备苏军的图-22M“逆火”轰炸机和苏-24 战斗轰炸机
当然 APG-66(V)也有其缺陷:探测距离偏近,最初甚至没有连续波照射器,无法使用 AIM-7“麻雀”等中距半主动雷达制导空空导弹。APG-66 发展到 APG-66 ADF 型后,F-16 才能使用 AIM-7。直到改装搜索距离增大 50%的 APG-68 雷达的 F-16 新型号出现,“战隼”才真正具有了超视距空战能力。对于承担截击任务的歼-8Ⅱ,真正适用的雷达其实是 APG-68。不过美国当时并不会提供该雷达给中国。


  先进火控要包括适当的输出显示手段,才能真正形成战斗力。美方为歼-8Ⅱ座舱增加了多种显示设备,包括下视显示器(Multifunction Display System MFD)和新式平视显示器(Head Up Display System HUD),具体型号不详,估计类似 F-16 相应部件。F-16 的下显是高分辨率、高亮度的电视/光栅显示器,采用先进 CRT 和光学滤波技术,可显示包括多种模式的雷达成像、字母数字和符号叠加输出等。F-16 下显还可以输出电视制导武器相关视频图像,但“和平典范”并无加装对地制导武器的计划,因此改装的火控应该不包括这一部分功能。而歼-8Ⅱ原有的显示手段仅为简单的波形输出和机电仪表,功能单一,更无法满足光电制导对地武器的需要。

1553B 总线

  1553B 标准对于军事爱好者来说可能有几分陌生。笔者认为“和平典范”中,1553 标准是最重要的一环。没有它,之前提到的雷达、导航系统的改进计划,等于空中楼阁。

  上世纪 60 年代时,由导航/平显/武器瞄准系统(INS/HUD/WACS)组成的综合火控系统,配上远距空射武器,使战斗机如虎添翼。但作战信息数据总量暴涨,而设备间接口各异,互联协同难度大,成为作战效能的瓶颈。同时,由于缺乏统一标准,开发、维护和改进的成本不断上升。于是 1973 年后,美军方先后公布 MIL-STD-1553A(USAF)标准和 1553B 改进标准。粗略的说,单个机载电子设备就类似于计算机局域网 LAN 中的单个计算机,1553 标准类似于通信协议,堪称现代作战飞机电子系统的“脊梁骨”。其核心就在于“标准”二字。有了 1553,雷达光电探测、导航、本机传感、座舱显示、外挂管理和火控计算机等得以完美的联结综合,构成了第三代战斗机标志性的分布式集中控制系统。F-16A 是采用 1553A 标准的第一种作战飞机。




  “和平典范”选用的 LN-39 惯性导航系统是利顿公司 80 年代初的拳头产品,为 F-16 早期型号采用。其精度优于歼-8Ⅱ原有产品,工作稳定,平均故障周期长。外挂武器管理系统改变了歼-8Ⅱ以往外挂单一、弹种难以扩充的缺陷,采用了微处理机和标准接口技术,可管理控制多种中美制航空武器。值得一提的是,由于改装的各个西方电子设备的可靠性高,组成的全系统的可靠性比原有系统有了革命性的提高。电子设备的改进还提高了歼-8Ⅱ的续航性能,如起降时可采用优化的飞行路线、高度,从而降低起降消耗的燃料,这对航程不算大的歼-8Ⅱ很有好处。


Darth Sidious, please post an opinion or comment after posting an article about the article... not sure if Golly mentioned it as a rule now...

it says that the abilities after modifycation is exelcent I beg to differ the equipment provided by the americans are mostly sceond rate
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darth sidious

Banned Idiot
english version

The peace model " was the Chinese and American honeymoon time mountain peak, both sides signs in 87 years leaves the gift of gab to China improves 55 sortie annihilates -8 II related equipment the contract, the total amount reached as high as 550000000 American dollars. Two annihilate -8 II transports USA in 89 beginnings of the year, by the American perspective personnel test flight appraises and makes the improvement. The American perspective test flight strength was abundant, uses the Edwards base " the air force flight experiment center " (Air Force Flight Test Center) 6510 squadrons. The American perspective test flight item manager is 5,700 flying hour of senior test pilots, once composed the United States military flying school teaching material. Simultaneously center the side approximately 20 technical personnel go to the New York Long Island 格鲁 gate company factory, the generation of air force base carry on the training study. But after 89 years summer this plan stop, is beautiful official and the enterprise all as far as possible avoids mentioning possesses with China's military cooperation plan, in order to avoid refers is " aids China ". Therefore we only can act according to the few information, right " the peace model " makes some " is an armchair strategist ". According to the biography was the American some museum annihilates -8 II machine header block at that time annihilates -8 II aviation electron system backwardness lacks the development potential, the existing radar was unable effectively to survey the low target. Therefore the American perspective mainly is for annihilates -8 II equips the western 80's horizontal fire control systems, but in engine, mobility not thorough improvement. The new fire control system characteristic is, uses the data transmission standard main line technology, thus can thoroughly raise the navigation electricity level; The comprehensive radar, is used to leads, sensor and so on atmosphere, enhances 探测能力; Uses the advanced demonstration technology, enhances the person machine work efficiency; Establishes new outside hangs the management technology foundation; The enhancement from the examination, the system fault-tolerant ability, enhances the reliability and the maintainability. The concrete measure is, same time the model fire control transplant to annihilates F-16 -8 on II, includes installs AN/APG-66 (V) the fire control radar, the cabin display system, 1553 main lines, the new fire control computer and so on. AN/APG-66 (V) the radar installs AN/APG-66 (V) the radar is " the peace model " the most outstanding item, for annihilated -8 II increases " the gold 睛 火眼 ". This possibly is the first example East fighter aircraft and the western radar official " marries ". This radar (Westinghouse Electric) develops by the west room electricity company, belongs X wave band pulse Doppler aircraft-borne fire control radar, primary equipment F-16a/B and so on. The American perspective entrusts with provides to the center side radar one new code number: PRC F-8 APG-66 (V). Our country at that time did not have to be able the fire control radar which compared with it. This radar uses the plate 隙缝天线, to aerodreadnought maximum search distance approximately 140 kilometers. To the fighter aircraft 上视 the survey distance 46 to 74 kilometers, gets down regards 37 to 55 kilometers. Has 频率捷变 the ability, the anti-jamming is good. Beijing China aviation museum at the same time F-8II APG-66 (V) the processor, the radar computer, the storage medium is more advanced, thus can provide the large capacity fast handling ability. Its design has modular the characteristic, divides into 7 respectively brings own the independent power supply 可更换 the unit, the plug / plug unification but is easy to insert pulls out, the power supply is reliable, massively uses the reliable good digital component. Therefore, APG-66 (V) in fights under the condition may fast replace the repair. As for People's Liberation Army, at that time faced the enemy three-dimensional big group attack threat, needed to intercept the aircraft commander time continuously battles, needed as far as possible to decrease the probability which the breakdown broke down. APG-66 (V) with the aid of the pulse Doppler technology, can in the ground noise jamming the search and 锁定目标, thus initiates the attack. The old style single pulse system radar, basically is unable to achieve this point. APG-66 (V) the active status is very complete, empty pattern for example wrestle, fast search, 自动截获, automatic track and so on. The open area pattern includes the real wave beam, 8:1 Doppler wave beam peaks, map locking, to the sea 搜索跟踪 and so on. Therefore APG-66 (V) established the F-16 good fire control foundation. Slightly develops after this foundation, F-16c/D had the perfect open area operational capacity. Annihilates -8 II initial fire control system, is restricted in the radar system, only can cope with the upper air goal. This also is the Mig -23, F-104 and so on the model second generation of fighter aircraft common characteristic, generally only has 上视 the ability, is unable under to regard the survey. Had APG-66 (V) such radar, annihilated -8 II only then can the effective interception low-level penetration enemy side airplane and the missile, for example massively had at that time equipped Soviet troops chart -22m " the counter fire " the bomber aircraft and the Soviet -24 fighter bomber. F-16 APG-66 (V) radar certainly APG-66 (V) also has its flaw: The survey distance is near, at first even does not have the continuous wave illumination, is unable to use AIM-7 " the house sparrow " in and so on is apart from semi-active radar guidance air-to-air missile. APG-66 develops after APG-66 ADF, F-16 only then can use AIM-7. Increases 50% APG-68 until the reequipment search distance the radar the F-16 new model appearance, " fought 隼 " only then truly has the ultra apparent distance air fight ability. Regarding undertakes the interception duty annihilates -8 II, the genuine suitable radar actually is APG-68. But USA at that time certainly could not provide this radar gives China. The cabin display system is advanced fire control must include the suitable output demonstration method, only then can truly form the battle efficiency. The American perspective for annihilated -8 II cabin increases the many kinds of graphic display device, included under regards the monitor (Multifunction Display System MFD) and the new style collimated display (Head Up Display System HUD), the concrete model was unclear, estimate similar F-16 corresponding part. F-16 under reveals is the high resolution, the high brightness television / diffraction grating monitor, uses advanced CRT and the optics filter technology, may demonstrate includes the many kinds of pattern the radar imagery, the letter numeral and the mark superimposition output and so on. Under F-16 reveals also may output the television guidance weapon correlation video frequency picture, but " the peace model " and not installs to the place guided weapon plan, therefore reequips fire control should not include this part of functions. But annihilates -8 II original demonstration method only is the simple profile output and the mechanical and electrical measuring appliance, the function is unitary, is unable to satisfy the photoelectricity guidance to the place weapon need. Formerly the old style photoelectricity sights only could provide the simple aiming corona for the pilot. Pilot the goal size which knows in advance through at the indication and the experience carries on the estimate, the range finder, the attack precision is all lower. Also must need frequently to lower the head the examination 座舱仪表 information. After reequips new evenly reveals, annihilates -8 II pilot may straight respectfully received and read takes the fire control, the flight data, 雷达信息 and the mobile energy management information. When air-to-air combat, the pilot may penetrate evenly reveals sees the goal, simultaneously sees the projection superimposition 雷达目标 the interception instruction mark, the aiming corona, the greatest / smallest transmission range instruction, the aiming operation spot, the projectile 示踪 line (hot line) and the speed vector. The above prompt information can have the multiple in the combat improves the pilot working efficiency, when for example throws the aerial bomb, the pilot only must observe the goal as well as evenly reveal the aiming operation spot which the fire control system outputs, at the right moment presses down according to the instruction launches Niu, projects the bomb, mays then the accurate hit goal. When cruise evenly reveals the demonstration position, the speed, highly with the control signal and so on, may decrease pilot's working strength. 1553b the main line 1553b standard regarding military amateur said somewhat is possibly strange. The author thinks " the peace model " center, 1553 standards are the most important one link. It, before has not mentioned the radar, the guidance system improvement plan, is equal to the castle in the air. When above century 60's, / evenly reveals the comprehensive fire control system by the navigation which / the weapon aiming system (INS/HUD/WACS) is composed, is joined to the long range spatially shoots the weapon, causes the fighter aircraft even more powerful. But the combat information data total quantity rises suddenly, but between equipment connection respectively different, the interconnection coordination difficulty is big, becomes the fighting efficiency the bottleneck. At the same time, because lacks the unification standard, the development, the maintenance and the improvement cost unceasingly rises. Thereupon after 1973, the USA military successively announced MIL-STD-155C3A (USAF) the standard and the 1553b improvement standard. Sketchy say, individually the aircraft-borne electronic equipment is similar in computer local area network LAN the single computer, 1553 standards are similar to the correspondence agreement, mays be called the modern battle airplane electron system " the backbone ". Its core lies in " the standard " two characters. Had 1553, the radar photoelectric detection, the navigation, this machine passes on the feeling, the cabin demonstrates, outside hung the management and the fire control computer and so on can the perfect joint synthesis, constituted the third generation fighter aircraft sign distributional centralism control system. F-16a is uses the 1553A standard the first kind of battle airplane. The MIL-STD-155C3b connection card take the radar as the example, before mentions the advanced person machine contact surface, needs the fire control radar has the complex foreign connection, simultaneously the pulse Doppler radar needs the formidable internal connection again carries on the processing operation. If does not have 1553 such advanced main lines, these two connections performance all wants the long number discount. 1553 main lines have, the nimble characteristic high speed, the correspondence efficiency are high, the revision, the expansion and the maintenance is simple. Under enumerates some data, the familiar computer friend must have the experience: MIL-STD-155C3b is the digital order / response type minute system multiplex data bus, the transmission speed 1m bit / second, sufficiently satisfies the third generation battle airplane the request; Character length 20 bits, data effective length 16 bits; The half-duplex transmission way, the double redundant breakdown fault-tolerant way, the transmission medium for shields the twisted pair line. 1553 main lines redundance designs, enhanced the subsystem and the entire system reliability. Main line itself (includes bus control unit, twisted pair line, 偶合器 and so on) the average non- breakdown operating time surpassed 10,000 hours, is basic in the entire system may neglect its failure rate, annihilates -8 II original joint way is much better than. Simultaneously may omit annihilates between -8 II equipment the complex tedious point-to-point joint, only this one item may make the entire electronic system the weight to reduce approximately 5%, and saves the space, consumes the electricity. The digital transmission way and the traditional mold electricity way compares, the speed is quicker, the reaction time is shorter, the secrecy is even better, the antijamming ability is stronger, can fully display the fire control equipment performance. The character mistake rate is smaller than 1/10000000. In the rear service maintenance aspect, the standard connection, inserts the card is extremely easy to disassemble, may facilitate carries on the test hypothesized through the digital tool /. After the test only ground checkout one item, might compare formerly reduces 30% maintenance man-hour. " The peace model " take the 1553b standard as the foundation navigation electricity system, compared to annihilated -8 II original system enhances one stair. Its fire control / navigation condition division of labor clearly makes clear, the information processing speed is quick, maintains the promotion is simple, the extension is strong. In addition the western armament system basically all conforms to 1553 standards, the our country introduction some advanced weapons only must make the corresponding improvement, mays then voluntarily to install " the peace model " above. More importantly, 1553 standards decided the different merchant aviation electronics standardization, the standardization, was helpful to solve the our country aviation industry some problems. Although " the peace model " the plan die young, our country still established 1553 standard statuses, the simultaneous development more advanced optical fiber 1553 connections technologies and the equipment, and conducted the new optical fiber main line research. Other day our country had developed successfully has the independent intellectual property rights the 1553b main line agreement connection chip. The optical fiber connection 1553b new fire control computer new fire control computer is " the peace model " cerebrum, although does not have the concrete model the information, but based on the radar, the display system and so on the known material, may infer its basic situation. It with was used to leads the computer, the firepower aiming computer, the radar processor, outside hangs manages the computer composes the flight fire control system, was the system core. This computer is responsible to control the include machine artillery, air-to-air missile, the aerial bomb and so on each kind of weapon launch lead, the launch area, the trajectory, shoots the spot, the prompt information and so on, outside the choice, the hypothesis and the launch hangs the weapon. When combat, the fire control computer carries on the science the airplane energy management computation, when fight guarantees the fighter aircraft in the best wrestle flight condition, usually may increase the cruise duration and the distance. When empty combat, the fire control computer may for annihilate -8 II pilot provides the wrestle, air-to-air missile, the fast fire, the pretage track and so on. When fast fire, the computer simulation continual projectile flows the strike point, the pilot thus may rapidly catch fast opens the artillery interception enemy airplanes the accurate opportunity. When pretage attack, the computer will aim at the corona projects dynamically in by the goal distance, the airplane, 距变率 the decision suitable position, the pilot adjusts the flight attitude causes the corona to belay the goal, will may then to aim the attack. When open area combat also has the many kinds of condition supplies the different use. Other " the peace model " selects the LN-39 inertial navigation system is the advantage company at the beginning of 80's unmatchable products, is the F-16 early time model use. Its precision surpasses annihilates -8 II original product, the work is stable, the average breakdown cycle is long. Outside hung the weapon management system changes annihilates -8 II formerly outside hangs the flaw which sole, the ball planted expands with difficulty, used the microprocessor and the standard connection technology, might manage the control many kinds of center US standard aerial warfare weapon. Each western electronic equipment reliability which because reequips is what is worth mentioning high, the composition entire system reliable gender ratio original system had the revolutionary enhancement. The electronic equipment improvement also enhanced annihilated -8 II 续航性能, like when take off and landing might use optimized the flying route, the altitude, thus reduced the fuel which the take off and landing consumed, this to the range did not calculate big annihilated -8 II very has the advantage. As a result of the electronic equipment change, annihilates -8 II original power source standard, the power output does not conform to the new requirement, therefore essential changes to the American perspective corresponding power source system. Simultaneously strengthened the cooling method, avoided the systematic heat.


VIP Professional
Registered Member
Hey, next time you do this, please provide some sort of chapter divide in the english translation!! Its almoust imposible to read such text...

And also, translation isent sufficent one as explanation for lack of your own comments


Banned Idiot
sry sidious, but google translations simply aint going to cut it...perhaps you should get typhuang to translate it...

i would, but i dont have the time:coffee:

but an example...
the first few lines would be better translated:
peace pearl was a project undertaken at the honey moon of u.s chiese relations. the countries signed a deal in 1987 to improve the both qulaities of the planes and training of chiense planes and pilots...

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
SRY inproved english translation comeing up soon to others who know chinese please help this is too much for one person to do !!!!!

darth sidious

Banned Idiot
project peace peral is da height of sino american coperation in87 they signed

an agreement to export equipment needed to improve 55 J-8II. in earyl 89

two finback ws shiped to America for velation at the Air Force Flight Test

Center for a total cost of 550000000 dolar the americans send some Very

experianxed people to da project and the chinese send 20 designer to the

long island factory for study but after 89 the project got cancaled and the

american denied involvement most of the improvement is on radar senors etc


VIP Professional
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"From 1985 to May 1990, the Chinese F-8-2 development project actually consisted of two programs. One program was the integration of an American fire control system acquired through the "Peace Pearl" program. The second program involved the installation of a Chinese fire control system. Peace Pearl, which was a $502 million project funded solely by the PLAAF through a. United States foreign military sales (FMS) program, originally called for selling a fire control package to modernize 50 basic F-8-2 aircraft with a modified Westinghouse AN/APG 66 radar and fire control computer, a Litton LN-39 inertial navigation system and a head-up display. The program, which did not include any technology transfer, also included five spares."

The original contract was to upgrade 2 test aircraft, then 50 production aircraft plus 5 sets of spares, for $200 million, at the cost of roughly $4 million USD per aircraft in 1985 dollars. But somehow the program cost jumped to $500+ million.