An attack on Iran is an economic attack on China


New Member
i personally think it less about iran but more about russia china and the us and there dominance of the middleeast

Americans are fighting the wars with Borrowed money and they wanna start another one for the dominance of middle east.:roll:

Altogether after an attack against Iran an export shortfall of immediately 6-7 million barrel would hit the global oil market, roughly equivalent to China's current import demand. Consequently oil prices would go through the roof hitting initially 110-120 $ and after the Hormuz strait gets somewhat ´clogged´200 $ per barrel would sent the global economy right into a depression.

Bud oil is 80 dollars or above/brl right now after taking out 6-7 million it will only go to 120 i dont think will easily jump much higher then that.

Violet Oboe

Junior Member
So let's agree that ´Joe Sixpack´would certainly wack out at the gas station after paying as much as 6 or even 8 $ per gallon!:D

Well, what party or candidate would Joey vote for if his beloved gas guzzling SUV is rapidly becoming an idle hulk just reminding him of the heyday of the good old ´American lifestyle´...?:roll:

You are correct Cheetah, the US is fighting wars on credit and they seem to be completely oblivious that the day of payment is nearing...:mad:

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Thread re-opened..Please keep the level of discussion within the parimeters of the rules of this forum.

bd popeye super moderator


New Member
I just heared on the news that Bush is saying Iran has ICBM capability, and that he will not allow that and a preemtive strike has to be made. Is it true or just sensationalist misinformation?


Junior Member
Which part?

It will be quite a long time before Iran has ICBMs. Not within the next ten years anyway.

But the part about Bush is certainly true. He's trying to drum up support for sanctions and/or a military strike. But I don't think anybody outside the U.S and U.K. takes him seriously anymore.


New Member
I just heared on the news that Bush is saying Iran has ICBM capability, and that he will not allow that and a preemtive strike has to be made. Is it true or just sensationalist misinformation?

even pakistan & india has ICBMS...nobody talks of attacking them....bloody hyppocrytes...bush has lost his sanity!! iran is the most peaceful islamic nation in the world...:nono:


Junior Member
I don't think Pakistan has ICBMs.

India has a space program, so they have the underlying technology at least, but I don't think they actually have ICBMs either. Keep in mind that the only likely targets for India are right next door, so ICBMs are overkill.


New Member
I don't think Pakistan has ICBMs.

India has a space program, so they have the underlying technology at least, but I don't think they actually have ICBMs either. Keep in mind that the only likely targets for India are right next door, so ICBMs are overkill.

ever heard about the tipu (tippu)missile ???it has a range of 5000km++

also don't forget the The Ghauri III has 3500 km range, and the Shaheen III has something around 4000+ km range. in comparison india's AGNI-III has a range of only 3000km..


Junior Member
Do you have a reference for the range of the tipu? I'm skeptical because it costs a lot to develop such a missile, and it's really not worth it for many countries. Anyway, to be an ICBM it should have a range of 5500km (although I suppose that's a technicality).

In the case if Iran, they have the resources, but it would take many years of development. And we'd know if they were close because there would have to be test firings.