956em sovs


Banned Idiot
Are we assuming the 52b and the 956em share similar sensors? It seems reasonable as the first 52b was fitted with sensors around 2002, the same year the 956em sovs were ordered. They must both be ahead of the 956's ordered in 1996. so the front dome must have been improved with extneded range(the orginal had a 30km range i dont see the point of making an improved verison thats only going to have 32km range, 38km is more reasonable).

This might be a bit off topic, but does the 52c use the HT-233 3D C-band mono-pulse planar phased array radar to guide the hq-9?


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MIGleader said:
Are we assuming the 52b and the 956em share similar sensors? It seems reasonable as the first 52b was fitted with sensors around 2002, the same year the 956em sovs were ordered. They must both be ahead of the 956's ordered in 1996. so the front dome must have been improved with extneded range(the orginal had a 30km range i dont see the point of making an improved verison thats only going to have 32km range, 38km is more reasonable).

This might be a bit off topic, but does the 52c use the HT-233 3D C-band mono-pulse planar phased array radar to guide the hq-9?
I would think they share quite a bit, so yes.

Also, I don't think hq-9 naval version uses HT-233. Someone can correct me on this, but it seems the radar on 052C is more advanced. I would think it can track more than 100 air targets at one time.


VIP Professional
There is only one Top Plate per ship, and it appears on the 956, 956EM, 051C and 052B destroyers. It does not appear on the 052C. The 051C does not use Shtil however, but I guess RIF-M still works with Top Plate to provide additional scanning for targets, especially in areas the Flap Lid cannot see from its point of view. The 052C does not need Top Plate (uses an indigenous radar instead is it Type 364 or 367?) as it uses indigenous SAM systems.

There are four Orekhs on the 052B and six on the 956/956EM. I thought there was Orekhs on the 051C but I may be mistaken them for something else.

If 054 FFG gets the VLS Shtil-1, expect Orekhs and Top Plate on them also.


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The Chinese claim that this is the second 956em (139) being built for China.



Since I'm not aware of any other order of sov, they are probably right.


Banned Idiot
Why is the ship numbered 698?

The ship looks like a 956em, it has the kashtan mounts and the postive-e radar dome at the back.


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MIGleader said:
Why is the ship numbered 698?

The ship looks like a 956em, it has the kashtan mounts and the postive-e radar dome at the back.

Old Russian boat that the Russian counldn't afford to keep anymore after the Cold War.. ex-Soviet Navy Vazhny and later renamed as Yekaterinbugr.. but what I don't get is PLAN said that they'll use Alexandr Nevsky and Yekaterinbugr in 1996... the hulls were only 2/3 done then why wait 10 years...


Just Hatched
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The Chinese claim that this is the second 956em (139)
Since I'm not aware of any other order of sov, they are probably right.

The last two 956em (138 & 139) is completely newly build and if the second 956em (139) is to be build in China, then might be wise to paint the number 139 straight away if they want rather than 698? Am I right?


Banned Idiot
swimmerXC said:
Old Russian boat that the Russian counldn't afford to keep anymore after the Cold War.. ex-Soviet Navy Vazhny and later renamed as Yekaterinbugr.. but what I don't get is PLAN said that they'll use Alexandr Nevsky and Yekaterinbugr in 1996... the hulls were only 2/3 done then why wait 10 years...

I was under the impression that the 956em's would be newly built, rather than finished from semi-completed hulls like the first two. Guess not.

If it took russia 3-4 years to finish a 2/3 completed hull, i must say that is simply too slow. China finished both 52c's in 2 and a half years.


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Yeah, the naming of 698 is really confusing to me too. They didn't say anything on the original thread why it's named 698 either. I'm pretty sure the 956em are newly built.


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tphuang said:
Yeah, the naming of 698 is really confusing to me too. They didn't say anything on the original thread why it's named 698 either. I'm pretty sure the 956em are newly built.

Yeah the new Sovs are new ships, then I guess that means Alexandr Nevsky and Yekaterinbugr (698) are 136 and 137 in the PLAN?