China's Space Program News Thread

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Lieutenant General
I hate to see it gets de-orbit. Why not turn it into a space hotel of sort for the ultra rich tourists?

The reason given for de-orbiting it is that it does not have the resources left to support any more missions. In that, I take it to mean things like oxygen, water and other consumables.

The TG1 was never designed for a long life, and as such, I think re supplying it would be too much of a hassle and China decided it would be better off to just start with a clean sheet design that was designed and built for a long life from the start rather than waste time and resources flogging a dead horse.

The automatic docking tests have pretty much cleared the way for unmanned supply missions for a future space station, but without a permanent crew, you would have to leave the supply module docked with the station so the crew from the next mission can unload the supplies, but that requires at least two docking hatches, which the TG1 does not have afaik.

There is the possibility of leaving the TG1 up there and than joining it to the new space station as a cheap land expansion. I'm sure the taikunyuans will welcome the extra room, but I'm not sure how much the TG1 would add to the new station as a whole. You also have to keep in mind that the TG1 only has 1 hatch/airlock, so if you attach it to the new space station, it will become a dead end where you can add no more other modules onto it. Depending on the scope of the Chinese plans, they may want the flexibility and growth potential of being able to add additional modules.


Junior Member
The reason given for de-orbiting it is that it does not have the resources left to support any more missions. In that, I take it to mean things like oxygen, water and other consumables.

The TG1 was never designed for a long life, and as such, I think re supplying it would be too much of a hassle and China decided it would be better off to just start with a clean sheet design that was designed and built for a long life from the start rather than waste time and resources flogging a dead horse.

The automatic docking tests have pretty much cleared the way for unmanned supply missions for a future space station, but without a permanent crew, you would have to leave the supply module docked with the station so the crew from the next mission can unload the supplies, but that requires at least two docking hatches, which the TG1 does not have afaik.

There is the possibility of leaving the TG1 up there and than joining it to the new space station as a cheap land expansion. I'm sure the taikunyuans will welcome the extra room, but I'm not sure how much the TG1 would add to the new station as a whole. You also have to keep in mind that the TG1 only has 1 hatch/airlock, so if you attach it to the new space station, it will become a dead end where you can add no more other modules onto it. Depending on the scope of the Chinese plans, they may want the flexibility and growth potential of being able to add additional modules.

in those computer generated images of the Chinese space station they had this circular ball/docking hatch which connects all the modules and SZ vehicles together. it has 6 hatches, one on every side like a dice. can they launch a SZ vehicle with that circular docking hatch to connect to TG1? so lets say SZ craft will have circular docking hatch on top, then return module then the rest of the spacecraft. when SZ return module leaves the circular docking hatch stays attached to TG1.
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The space lesson vids: More than 60 million students and teachers at about 80,000 middle schools across the country have watched the live broadcast.

technical review of the bidirectional communication link before the lesson starts


students in waiting

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The first section of the class was all about weight. Nie Haisheng, commander of the crew, made a bit show of crossing his legs into a meditation sitting posture in the air, which only a martial art master can do in the movies but is impossible for real people on the Earth.

"Thanks to the weightless condition, we are all masters," Wang joked.


Ms Wang raised the first question to her students about how the astronauts measure their weight in the weightless orbiter



spring experiment demonstrate the difference between mass and weight


how to measure an taikonaut's weight



Wang introduced the special scale on board of the orbiter, which was designed on basis of the Newton's second law of motion, or measuring the mass of an object through the net force and the acceleration.


Wang demonstrates pendulum movement in space.



how to distinguish directions in space


Wang demonstrates gyroscopic motion in space. She pushes a static gyro and a moving gyro respectively to change the way they move.



She demonstrated how zero gravity magnifies the surface tension of water by using a metal ring and a bag filled with water to create a ball of water that was suspended in the air.


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