video leak on YouTube of Chinese trawler incident.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Excellent video... Thanks for posting. Apparently the Japanese did collide on purpose with the Chinese ship. But the Chinese vessel failed to yield when ordered to do so. And yes I know China claims the waters the ship was seized on.


New Member
It's kinda like driving.....I am in my own lane...minding my own business, and someone decided to cut in, collision ensued, and that someone tried to pin the blame on me for the accident.

Of course, maritime right of way may be a little different. Anyone care to explain? It seems like, from the video. that the Chinese vessel did not make any aggressive maneuvers, but merely maintaining its course. The Japanese patrol on the other hand, was determined to get ahead of the Chinese vessel.

Any old sea salt here care to give an analysis?
the people on this board may notice what's going on, but for most other people outside china, even if the video showed that the Japanese naval vessel made the maneuver which caused the collision, they'd still deny. in fact, if we look at the white trail of water, we can tell that it's the Japanese who made the move


UCSDAE, you're a new member, so I don't blame you for "having eyes but do not see the Taishan mountain". The guy above you used to serve in the US Navy and have great knowledge about marine-time matter. Post your question to him if you have any query.

In my opinion, the Jap's vessels were acting like a police car chasing someone who violates the regulation (in Jap's view). They gave the signal to the trawler to stop, but the trawler didn't intend to stop, so the Japs drove into the trawler's way to stop it and led to the collision. The problem apparently is not "you hit me first or you block my way first", but the sovereign and political problems behind the scene.


Lieutenant General
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Err I thought it was the Chinese trawler that crashed into the Japanese ship at around 1:13? It showed the wake of the trawler "turning"