Returning Turtles


Banned Idiot
Who told you investments into China only consists of public companies with tons of money ? Plenty of small private businesses go there and succeeds, so don't spend too much time thinking of excuses for your friend's lack of success there.
Good for your friend if he can comfort himself in thinking he made the right choice in delaying his entrance into China. If the business plan was sound, he may actually have missed the boat when he hesitated as others may have moved in by now. Of course if the plan is bad to begin with it wouldn't have made much difference whether he went in earlier or later.

Geez you must have had a hard night. So Ill spell it out simpler for you.or I could just simply answer you back by suggesting "Chinas loss is Japans gain" but then again that doesnt really get us anywhere, by indulging in clever remarks.

First theres this person who I will call A.. a uni grad and very successful in his chosen line of business though it wasnt degree related: He had already tasted success in london in this business with another partner and it was on the place to frequent by the up market clientel from over London as well as Europe. Research had shown the same business,if he chose to open one in Shanghai or Peking, would have been a must go to place by most Caucasians that were living or visiting, who wanted that product.. ( just think of "Hard Rock Cafe" as a place where some people seem to be drawn tojust for the sake of going there)

He came back to NZ and asked my daughter (Ill call her C) and her partnter (B)who was also a uni graduate and was in a similar line of business, about starting up this business prefebably in Japan (because research had shown it was ready) or possibly China ( for the reasons SAmpan had given) a growing and important place on the world scene.

Some of the disadvantages he had to take into account have been mentioned by Rhino, Icgloo and Autumn Child. MY daughter (C) does not speak Chinese, other languages other than English are Japanese Spanish and a bit of Portuguese.

Meanwhile A and B are Caucasian, and both spoke Japanese.. ( Japanese is taught at a very early age in NZ but not Chinese)

so in the end, where would you go to cut ones teeth in a foreign business venture and out of ones comfort zone ?

Lastly was it a poor business plan? In short no. Both had hard headed parents who were senior execs in NZ's 2 largest companies/conglomerates?
who were giving sound advice, and a bit of the business smarts would have rubbed off etc etc. .
and the fact that the plan is working out for A in japan.

AS I said it was in the Hospitality line catering to primarily Caucasians and any Chinese customers would have just been icing on the cake. Surveys of patronage from Diplomatic Staff Business Tourists and foreign students at the university, suggested success, especially when (A) had this aaquaintence ( also caucasian and a NZder) who had there for about 6yrs, and was really raking it in.) That business is also aimed at the Caucasian community and visitors)
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Senior Member
VIP Professional
My friends got this San Adreas look alikewith this ground rupture running along a good part of his farm before going through onto neighbouring properties. Its about 1 > 1.5m wide at places. the experts called it a slip fault or something.
Yeap, strike slip fault, ripping everything along a straight line.

I guess you can always try to export jade to China.

By the way, how many generations have your family been in New Zealand/ moved out of China?


Junior Member
I would share alittle bit of my own experience as a "sea turtle" who chose to return to the motherland.

I am the 3rd generation overseas chinese born in Indonesia. I have lived in four different countries and still is a citizen of Canada. I agree with most of you regarding living and working condition here; smog, crowd, trafic jam, rude people. Rescently I have to manage my assistants who are underperforming and came to the realization of the imperfect education system here. I used to live in vancouver and its like paradise on earth there.

So why the hell would I leave a paradise and go to a stinky hell hole? Because I am sick of being a minority and treated like one for the rest of my life and I am sick of the bullying I see everyday at the western media. China is not perfect, but guesss what? It does not matter what passport or language I speak, I am always labelled as Chinese by the world because I look like one. So why not improve China to improve my own image. Sounds reasonable to me since I am on the same boat with the other 1.3 billion chinese no matter what. Perhaps if China is strong and respected, an incident like 1950s-1960s and 1998 in Indonesia will not happen and perhaps people would put more value to chinese lives intead of the handful of tibetan that is killed in the 2008 clash. I guess I feel alittle different than most of you since I have personally expereince genocide culturally and physically. It is in my best interest to see China strong for the sake of 1.3 billion people and myself. It is as simple as that.

Now have lived in shanghai for more than 7 years and counting. My wife is chinese citizen and all my kids will learn mandarin as their first language. I will raise them to be a patriot, learn chinese values and not get bullied because of race and things that they are born with. I am working in the chinese animation Industry and I will help China to innovate the entertainment industry and project its culture world wide. I want the world to see the good of chinese culture instead of just kung-fu, chinese food and communism.

This is who I am.

I can understand why you feel that way.

The Chinese in Indonesia have suffered for many years, even though they have taken on Indonesian identities. I have quitea few Chinese Indonesian friends (mostly my classmates in school) who have chosen to work in other foreign countries.

I'm also wondering if your sentiments will eventually come to reflect the sentiments of the Chinese communities in Western countries. I lived in Australia for 4 years during my under graduate days, and I remember a large proportion of Chinese in the Chinatown in Sydney and Melburne went there so that they will not become part of China in 1997 when HK was returned to China. But, the funny thing was on the day HK was returned to China, here wee huge parades to celebrate the occassion in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbanr's Chinatown. I was like :confused:

Anyway, wish you all the best. May you find fulfilment in your endeavour. :)


Junior Member
Because I am sick of being a minority and treated like one for the rest of my life and I am sick of the bullying I see everyday at the western media. China is not perfect, but guesss what? It does not matter what passport or language I speak, I am always labelled as Chinese by the world because I look like one.

Worth repeating. Also, I salute you sir.


Junior Member
I would share alittle bit of my own experience as a "sea turtle" who chose to return to the motherland.

I am the 3rd generation overseas chinese born in Indonesia. I have lived in four different countries and still is a citizen of Canada. I agree with most of you regarding living and working condition here; smog, crowd, trafic jam, rude people. Rescently I have to manage my assistants who are underperforming and came to the realization of the imperfect education system here. I used to live in vancouver and its like paradise on earth there.

So why the hell would I leave a paradise and go to a stinky hell hole? Because I am sick of being a minority and treated like one for the rest of my life and I am sick of the bullying I see everyday at the western media. China is not perfect, but guesss what? It does not matter what passport or language I speak, I am always labelled as Chinese by the world because I look like one. So why not improve China to improve my own image. Sounds reasonable to me since I am on the same boat with the other 1.3 billion chinese no matter what. Perhaps if China is strong and respected, an incident like 1950s-1960s and 1998 in Indonesia will not happen and perhaps people would put more value to chinese lives intead of the handful of tibetan that is killed in the 2008 clash. I guess I feel alittle different than most of you since I have personally expereince genocide culturally and physically. It is in my best interest to see China strong for the sake of 1.3 billion people and myself. It is as simple as that.

Now have lived in shanghai for more than 7 years and counting. My wife is chinese citizen and all my kids will learn mandarin as their first language. I will raise them to be a patriot, learn chinese values and not get bullied because of race and things that they are born with. I am working in the chinese animation Industry and I will help China to innovate the entertainment industry and project its culture world wide. I want the world to see the good of chinese culture instead of just kung-fu, chinese food and communism.

This is who I am.

I heartily respect and admire your decision.

Just wondering though, almost all the Indonesians I've met in Canada are Indonesian Chinese. Is it because of the way native Indonesians treat Indonesian Chinese that they choose to migrate overseas?


Autumn Child, being from a neighbouring country, I am aware of your situation. I am with you.


I heartily respect and admire your decision.

Just wondering though, almost all the Indonesians I've met in Canada are Indonesian Chinese. Is it because of the way native Indonesians treat Indonesian Chinese that they choose to migrate overseas?

The ethnic Chinese in Indonesia suffered the most during the country's last major political upheaval. It's too insensitive to mention the details here. Their crime is for being hard working and end up being more well-to-do than the "natives". Sadly this always seems to be the problem for ethnic Chinese living in a few south east Asian countries although the truth is they - rich or poor - have no choice but to work hard in order to make a living as the affirmative policies in these countries are entirely for the natives only.


Junior Member
The ethnic Chinese in Indonesia suffered the most during the country's last major political upheaval. It's too insensitive to mention the details here. Their crime is for being hard working and end up being more well-to-do than the "natives". Sadly this always seems to be the problem for ethnic Chinese living in a few south east Asian countries although the truth is they - rich or poor - have no choice but to work hard in order to make a living as the affirmative policies in these countries are entirely for the natives only.

All of which you said is true. Let's leave the more serious topics for another discussion, as you said.

On another note, some more famous turtles that I know of:

Sun Yat-sen/Sun Zhong Shan - father of the nation, moved to US at 13, then travelled back and forth between China, Japan, and US.

Qian Xuesen - father of Chinese rocketry, moved to the US at age 23 to study, moved back to China in 1955 after being a victim of the McCarthy communist witch hunt to work on the Chinese rocketry and space program.