056 class FFL/corvette

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Junior Member
Not sure.........as I didn't catch that part in the video.

I do believe the ship is destined for the 'North Sea Fleet'.................and was built at the Hudong shipyard. Other members here may be able to fill in any other missing details later! :)

Both the news anchorwoman and reporter in the video said "Certain military port of North Sea Fleet". It could be any of the three base of NSF like Qingdao, Lushun or Huludao.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
502 as the last 501 homeported to Changhai-Haiyangdao, 20th Corvette Brigade former 77th Subchaser Squadron last year all this units have been renamed.
NSF : 19, 20th Corvettes Brigades, ESF : 21, 22, 23tth, SSF 24, 25, 26th in more some 056 with Hong-Kong Sqn.

One Corvette Brigade have a theoretical staffing of four 056, 19th in NSF get it yet.

20 in service : NSF 6, ESF 6, SSF 8.


VIP Professional

A photo of a new coast guard vessel that strongly resembles the Type 056 corvette taken on April 25. (Internet photo)

Speculation on my part, but this could enable China Coast Guard to depart from their traditional stance of being minimally armed. If they build these based on the 056 platform & specs, the ships could be refitted and up-gunned in a hurry if the security situation worsens.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Speculation on my part, but this could enable China Coast Guard to depart from their traditional stance of being minimally armed. If they build these based on the 056 platform & specs, the ships could be refitted and up-gunned in a hurry if the security situation worsens.
This has been discussed in some detail over on the Chinese Coast Guard Thread.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
502 Huangshi homeported to Changhai-Haiyangdao, 20th Frigate Squadron ( former 77 Subchaser Squadron ) with 501 Xinyang in more recently two Haiqing, three Hainan, now ?


Junior Member
Does anyone know exactly how many 056's are in service now?
I ask because someone at a.n.other forum has stated that boat no '504' Suqian has become the 22nd 056 to join the fleet, but i havnt found verification yet on Chinese sites that this is so.
Also has anyone noticed that the WIKI page on the 056 has been ruined, by someone who has re-tabled the building schedules of the 056 Corvettes, but in doing so has failed to re-enter the previously excellent data, and has somehow completely lost a valuable set of information.
According to this person only 14 056's have been commissioned!
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