PLA canteens question - differences "Type 65 and "Type 87"?


Just Hatched
Registered Member
Hi all!

My name is Michael, I'm from Russia. I collect information about military canteen around the world, and made the "online catalog" of these canteens.

Now I have created a theme of PLA canteens, and have questions:
What are the main differences early canteen "Type 65", from a later canteen "Type 87"? I do not have those canteens, so I can not compare myself.

If I get you right:

1) "Type 65" - small diameter of the neck, bakelite cap, "low-quality paint" paint сanteen housing (olive colour).
2) "Type 87" - larger diameter of the neck, plastic cap, "more resistant" paint сanteen housing (another, gray-green colour).

Tell me, is this correct?

Best regards, Michael

"Type 65":

"Type 87":