one of the chinese war hero figure


The Punisher
Staff member
Super Moderator
Registered Member
It's true they are completely different words in Simplified Chinese, even if they share the same pronunciation... unfortunately for those using Pinyin I don't think there's any visible difference, hence the confusion.
well, pinyin is more of a supplement to the actual chinese words. it was created for easier pronunciation of chinese and did not exist even in Qing dynasty. So for a chinese person, the important part is the actual word, not its pinyin. after all, you don't see pinyin everywhere everyday. but on the other hand, it could be a potential problem for those english translation that are simply using pinyin.

green beret

New Member
hmm.. have to bring this old thing back to life.

but have to comment on this.

The Chinese often likes to glorify the Korean War, because this is the first and only war they fought with the Americans. They often talk about how disciplined, how brave their soldiers were, and how cowardly the Americans were (which is freaking not true).

but one thing I would like them to reflect on is this: during the entirety of the war 53,000 Americans were killed. But somewhere between 2 million and 3 million Chinese and North Koreans were killed. thats a 1 to 40 - 60 radio right there? Woul;d you truely call that a victory. I call that a massacre.

by that figure I have to say the Americans fought bravely in the war. with that radio meant that a single comany of U.S. Army had to fight an entire regiment of Chinese soldiers. hardly call it fair. And the fact that the Americans can held them back at all was something that needs to be admired.

petty officer1

Junior Member
But you also have to look at the whole UN forces 's casulties about 1 million i think.

US killed 54,000
US wounded 103,000
South Koreans killed 673,000
Total 1,271,244 to 1,818,410
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Junior Member
but one thing I would like them to reflect on is this: during the entirety of the war 53,000 Americans were killed. But somewhere between 2 million and 3 million Chinese and North Koreans were killed. thats a 1 to 40 - 60 radio right there? Woul;d you truely call that a victory. I call that a massacre.

I would like to ask how the hell did you get 2 million Chinese casualties as a figure. Most sources agree on 300-500 thousand. China had no more than 1 million men in Korea at any given time, so you're saying that more Chinese died in Korea than the number of Chinese that were actually in Korea. Sorry dude, that's just plain BS.

I would also like to point out that 2 million SK soldiers died, and that the Chinese and NK side respected SK soldiers a lot more than US and coalition soldiers, because the SK soldiers would immediately counterattack after a position has fallen, whereas coalition troops would just camp in after they get pushed back, and do not counterattack until they receive an order from the brass. From this argument we can see that SK soldiers are A LOT more brave than US and coalition soldiers and were the ones doing the blunt of the fighting. Let's face it, if you say all of those Chinese casualties were inflicted by US and coalition troops, you're nuts.

green beret

New Member
ah thats a poorly researched and planned response on my part. =(

my sources showed that six hundred thousand South Koreans died during the war. But anyway thats not important, alot of the sources I read gave different numbers, but it seemed that six hundred thousand is the most commonly agreed number.

petty officer1

Junior Member
OK, one more thing about Korean War. Let us first look at the advantage and disadvantage of both forces.

From wiki, UN forces:
South Korea 590,911
USA 480,000
Britain 63,000 [1]
Canada 26,791[2]
The Philippines 7,000
Turkey 5,455[3]
The Netherlands 3,972
Australia 17,000
France 3,421[4]
New Zealand 1,389
Thailand 1,294
Ethiopia 1,271
Greece 1,263
Colombia 1,068
Belgium 900
South Africa 826
Luxembourg 44
Total: 941,356–1,139,518

Communist force:
260,000 North Korean,
780,000 Chinese,
26,000 Soviet troops,
total: 1,066,000

so both side have about the same amount of troop, so some people say commuist have 4-5 times amount of troops is just BS

Then let see their weapons. US side have the best weapon includes air and artillery strike ability. China doesn’t bro… US just finished with Nazi and Japanese force, so they have A LOT experiences. China have only Limited amount of captured weapons from Japanese and Nationalist, So North Korea actually have Russian supplied weapons. (beginning of the war, Russia didn’t help china with any weapon.) some times 2 chinese divisions only have the fire power of 1 US regiment.

china don't have navy, even a air force at beginne of the war.

Food is alos a problem for PLA(PVA), most soldier only have 2 pound of rice and some sugars for battle, No MRE!

But, what is left for China is war experience all the way track back from 1930's when japan invaded china. some officer in PLA(PVA) at the time have war experience since they were a child! Throwing grenade when they were only 7 years old. Fought for more than 9 years already !

Then comes to china’s tactic “to use our strongest point to strike enemy’s weakest point”
Night infantry assault is the primary tactic. At night, there can’t be air strike and artillery support from US. Because some time fighting war so close with the US, artillery can’t be send… (Smart move by Chinese generals).

Historian and Korean War veteran Bevin Alexander had this to say about Chinese tactics in his book How Wars Are Won:

The Chinese had no air power and were armed only with rifles, machineguns, hand grenades, and mortars. Against the much more heavily armed Americans, they adapted a technique they had used against the Nationalists in the Chinese civil war of 1946–49. The Chinese generally attacked at night and tried to close in on a small troop position — generally a platoon — and then attacked it with local superiority in numbers. The usual method was to infiltrate small units, from a platoon of fifty men to a company of 200, split into separate detachments. While one team cut off the escape route of the Americans, the others struck both the front and the flanks in concerted assaults. The attacks continued on all sides until the defenders were destroyed or forced to withdraw. The Chinese then crept forward to the open flank of the next platoon position, and repeated the tactics.

Also, IN FACT china caused the GREATEST retreat in AMERICAN WAR HISTORY.
Also remember, China is not just fight US, China is fighting UN, and south Korean at the same time.

I am an American too, but I have say china did a DAME good job… at that time of equipment, food, and a country that have suffered war since 1100’s….

So they won? Not necessarily, but good job? Hell yeah.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
hello,everybody,I am a Chinese.The war happened 55 years ago do the only time china fight with America.I cannot be sure that we have won the war because PLA could not go forward for the resisting from American and south kerean when they got the middle of kerea but I can be sure that we did not lose it.PLA not only fought with us but also sk and the most death of UN was sk.I have been seeking the number of casualty of both side online and find a version:
China:casualty in fighting 360 thousand ,casualty not int fighting 410 thousand and 140 000 of them died
can you read chinese,I post it for you

hope any war will not happen in our planet.


















美国 7140
联合国 92970

自1950年10月25日参战至1953年7月27日停战,中国人民志愿军共阵亡114 000余人,医院救治战斗和非战斗负伤的伤员383 000余人次,其中救治无效致死者21 600余人,去掉伤员因第二、第三次负伤而造成统计上的重复数位和救治无效死亡以及非战斗负伤者,故最后确定的战斗伤亡减员总数为366 000余人。

除伤亡减员外,志愿军还有29 000余人失踪,失踪者中除在美方战俘营中的21 400余人外,尚有8 000余人下落不明,估计多已在战地或在被俘后死亡。

如此可以确定,加上失踪,在整个抗美援朝战争中,中国人民志愿军(chinese)共计战斗损失(casualty in fighting)390 000余人。

除战斗损失外,医院还收治过患病住院的军民(be treated in hosipital)450 000余人次,其中病亡者(died in hospital)13 000余人,加上阵亡、因伤救治无效死亡等明确死亡者和失踪后估计已死亡者,在整个抗美援朝战争中,中国军民因各种原因死亡的人数在(total of death)156 000余人左右,这是一个巨大的牺牲。

加上朝鲜人民军的伤、亡、失踪数位,中朝军队共付出(casualty of chinese and north kerea)628 000余人的兵员损失代价。

在战争中,中国军队共消耗各种物资560万吨,其中弹药一项即达25万吨,开支战费62亿元人民币。中国军队共战损坦克(chinese tank be destoryed)9辆、飞机(air force)231架、各种炮(big gun)4 371门、各种枪(gun)87 559支(挺)。对於一个新生的国家来说,这是一个相当昂贵的支出。(to a country of newly born,this was a great lose)



1953年10月23日,美联社曾发表了一个数位,称联合国军方面的伤亡和失踪/被俘总数为1 474 269人,其中美军战斗伤亡及失踪人数为144 360人。



根据美联社公开的数位,韩国(south kerea)方面共损失(casualty)1 312 836人,其中阵亡(died)415 004人,伤残(wounded)425 868人,失踪(losing)459 428人,被俘(were caught)12 536人。

而1976年韩国国防部战史编写委员会出版的《韩国战争史》则声称,联合国军方面的伤亡及失踪/被俘数位是1 168 160人。而韩国军队的损失为984 400余人,其中阵亡227 800余人,负伤717 100余人,失踪43 500余人。


中国人民解放军国防大学教授徐焰大校认为,细究起来,韩国方面承认的最低的军人战斗伤亡约为30余万人,失踪10万余人,失踪人数中作为战俘遣返者仅7 800余人。


据美国方面近年的数据统计,在整个战争中,美国(america)军队共计阵亡(casualty)33 629人,其他原因死亡20 600余人,负伤103 248人,被俘后遣返3 746人,另外尚有8 142人失踪,估计也只好归於死亡一类。共计损失169 300余人。




英 国(uk):阵亡(killed)710人,负伤(casualty)2 278人,失踪1 263人,被俘766人,共计5 017人。
土尔其(turkey):阵亡717人,负伤2 246人,失踪167人,被俘217人,共计3 349人。
澳大利亚(austrilia):阵亡291人,负伤12 40人,失踪39人,被俘21人,共计1 591人。
加拿大(canada):阵亡309人,负伤1 055人,失踪30人,被俘2人,共计1 396人。
法 国(france):阵亡288人,负伤818人,失踪18人,被俘11人,共计1 135人。
泰 国(tailand):阵亡114人,负伤794人,失踪5人,共计913人。
希 腊(greece):阵亡169人,负伤543人,失踪2人,被俘1人,共计715人。
荷 兰(holand):阵亡111人,负伤589人,失踪4人,共计704人。
比利时、卢森堡(belgium and luxemburg):阵亡97人,负伤350人,失踪5人,被俘1人,共计453人。
新 西 兰(new zealand):阵亡34人,负伤80人,被俘1人,共计115人。
南 非(south africa):阵亡20人,失踪16人,被俘6人,共计42人。
日 本(japan):阵亡数人,被俘1人。
以上合计,其他国家军队兵员损失约为17 200余人。





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