JF-17/FC-1 Fighter Aircraft thread

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
You simply do not understand and therefore take this as a clear warning: Stop posting BS without proper source - a tweet or FB is not reliable per se - and even if might be wrong in this case, your repeated direct personnel insults are not the same as calling a certain pots nonsense. :mad:

In summary: Indeed I'm surprised and if true I will surely admit my failure and I will apologise not only for my (then) wrong and too quick conclusion as well as for my probably too harsh words.

However by now I remain skeptical and since both images are too small, too grainy a too blurred I'm not sure if PSed.



Lieutenant General
Given the timing, if such a delivery of PL15s took place, those would have been units pulled from the PLAAF’s own stocks, as not even China could manufacture a hundred advanced missiles in a few day’s notice.

Such a move is not without precedent in Sino-Pakistan relations, and I think a lot of people forget that and only considers such sales from a purely commercial POV, in which case it would indeed not make much sense for China.

Beyond the special relationship, China also have additional self-interest motivations for making such a delivery to Pakistan, chief of which would be to prevent all out war from breaking out between India and Pakistan.

Pakistani nuclear posture and policy is pretty much the same as that of NATO’s during the Cold War, which is to use tactical nukes to blunt the conventional military advantage of the enemy.

The only way to shot-circuit that escalation step would be to help Pakistan hold off Indian forces using conventional means only.

If the IAF suddenly started being on the receiving end of PL15s over Pakistan, beyond the material losses those missiles might inflict on IAF aircraft, a far more weighty message would be the strength of Chinese support and commitment to Pakistan in the face of an Indian invasion.

The unequivocal message to India would be that China would be prepared to do whatever is necessary to make sure Pakistan does not feel cornered enough to feel they have no choice but to use their nukes.

I personally believe that faced with the prospect of an all out nuclear war on its boarder that is perilously close to the source of many of China’s most important rivers and fresh water sources; Beijing would see a conventional war with India as very much the lesser of two evils.

From that standpoint, sending a hundred missiles really is loose change scale stuff.

However, if China did send those PL15s, I would expect there to be significant conditions attached in terms to secure storage and use limitations; as those would be PLAAF front line versions and not export models.

It could well be that those missiles are not sold or gifted, but rather loaned to the PAF, in which case they remain Chinese property, and potentially may be returned once tensions die down again.

If Pakistan can guarantee the physical security of those missiles when in storage, the risks to China of sending them are pretty manageable, since they would only give up useful SIGINT if they were actually fired.

When hanging off of aircraft, those missiles wouldn’t really give much away in terms of their capabilities or operating characteristic.


Registered Member
If the IAF suddenly started being on the receiving end of PL15s
Missile singlehandedly turning the whole air balance?
Pl-15 is advanced piece, sure, but you're giving it f-22 f-35 death ray - like qualities.
It significantly improves combat capability of existing JF-17 fleet, but nothing more than that.
Won't send a big message either, because a2a missile isn't that sparky and flashy to affect decision makers.


Lieutenant General
Missile singlehandedly turning the whole air balance?
Pl-15 is advanced piece, sure, but you're giving it f-22 f-35 death ray - like qualities.
It significantly improves combat capability of existing JF-17 fleet, but nothing more than that.
Won't send a big message either, because a2a missile isn't that sparky and flashy to affect decision makers.

Did you even read the rest of my post?


Lieutenant General
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What I find most amazing is that even at the PDF these images are labelled as FAKES and senior moderators beg to stop posting the face news ...

View attachment 51373

And now also Dafengcao confirms this as a FAKE + Huitong himself, who posted this image at first already modified his blog again by deleted both the said image and news report.

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So I would say, the ball is back on your side @timepass :p:D


Junior Member
Registered Member
Even if you feel this possibility rather practical, I still do not understand how do you expect Pakistan to field these missiles. JF-17 Block-II doesn't have the eligible radar conditions to field PL-15 -- not even J-10B and J-11B can field it due to the limitations in a similar fashion as far as we know and JF-17 is rather inferior to these two.

Some colourful people presented the idea of using PL-15 on MadDog mode which is known as firing the missile without giving it any guidance information and expect it to land on a target via its' radar seeker only, which highly limits a BVR missile and cannot be expected to be the method of using such missiles.


Even if you feel this possibility rather practical, I still do not understand how do you expect Pakistan to field these missiles. JF-17 Block-II doesn't have the eligible radar conditions to field PL-15 -- not even J-10B and J-11B can field it due to the limitations in a similar fashion as far as we know and JF-17 is rather inferior to these two.

Some colourful people presented the idea of using PL-15 on MadDog mode which is known as firing the missile without giving it any guidance information and expect it to land on a target via its' radar seeker only, which highly limits a BVR missile and cannot be expected to be the method of using such missiles.

how about guided by an AWACS?