J-20 5th Gen Fighter Thread VI

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Senior Member
Registered Member
Josh, these pictures were shared before as the proof that J-20 is adopting China-made engines. This forum is sensitive about photo's timeliness so you might get some heat about that. But these are nevertheless very nice clear professionally done photos that deserves to be presented more often.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Probably J-20 flew over SK claimed ADIZ zone which overlaps China ADIZ zone over East China Sea then. It's not really "over SK" if it's just ADIZ.


Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Agreed, but it is the first image of any J-20 since October ... :)

How many J-20's do we see Deino?? anyone???,,, looks like their installing rest rooms for the "wallclimbers", or maybe a moat with Asian Crocodiles???

It's definitely tougher to get good pictures these days? I really wish all involved would get things back to a more amenable relationship, I know Trump respects President Xi and expressed that he didn't blame President Xi or the Chinese people for taking advantage of the previous administrations weakness or incompetence!

I'd say that puts the responsibility for poor relations right back on that same weak previous US administration....


Lieutenant General
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How many J-20's do we see Deino?? anyone???,,, looks like their installing rest rooms for the "wallclimbers", or maybe a moat with Asian Crocodiles???

It's definitely tougher to get good pictures these days? I really wish all involved would get things back to a more amenable relationship, I know Trump respects President Xi and expressed that he didn't blame President Xi or the Chinese people for taking advantage of the previous administrations weakness or incompetence!

I'd say that puts the responsibility for poor relations right back on that same weak previous US administration....

To admit I don't know ... I'm lost :(

Anyway in Germany we would say "Alle Jahre wieder" (English: Every Year Again), as it it in the well known Christmas carol: Here today two J-20As were spotted at CAC (left image) quite similar to the same scene taken on 15. (middle image) and 11. November 2016 (right image).

And even if some surly will complain about the low quality and question, why posting it anyway ... hey, it is the first image showing J-20s at CAC since 1. October, when no. 2021 flew.


J-20A 2x + J-10C 2x - 15.11.16.jpg J-20A 3x at CAC -  said to be 11.12.16.jpg
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