J-10 Thread IV


Junior Member

The 50 aircraft in 3 years delivery time to Pakistan look like the J10B's---. China had offered 20 of them last year---but Pakistan refused / put a hold on them---.


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The 50 aircraft in 3 years delivery time to Pakistan look like the J10B's---. China had offered 20 of them last year---but Pakistan refused / put a hold on them---.
The word in the interwebs and forums says the 50 ACs are more JF-17's

I have no doubt j-10 its good enought for PAF, and "better" than JF-17, the question is "It is worth (price wise) to PAK? (having JF-17's and F-16's)

My guess its that PAK will wait for FC-60

Jeff Head

Registered Member

The 50 aircraft in 3 years delivery time to Pakistan look like the J10B's---. China had offered 20 of them last year---but Pakistan refused / put a hold on them---.
No.J-10s of any type have been delivered to, or built for Pakistan.

Jeff Head

Registered Member


The air force of Chengdu Military Area Command of Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) conducted a combat drill on April 21. J-10 fighters participated in the training, which has effectively improved the decision-making ability of the troops, and tactical level of the pilots.


Junior Member
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So I assume the J-10B has entered service in the PLAA, so is it true they stopped production of it and started working on the J-10C?


Lieutenant General
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So I assume the J-10B has entered service in the PLAA, so is it true they stopped production of it and started working on the J-10C?

Yes, confirmed is the 170. Brigade FTTC with 78x1x-serials - and maybe with 10x3x-numbers a regiment within the 2. Division.

J-10B + serials - maybe 78x1x - 170. Brigade FTTC - 1.jpg J-10B maybe 10x3x - 2. Div.jpg J-10B first operational unit - 14 aircraft - 10.1.14 - 2xs.jpg


Lieutenant General
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So about 78 J-10Bs in service? Sorry, Im sort of just getting into military enthusiasm.

Sorry to ask, but why do You think 78 ???

Confirmed are 43 J-10Bs (by serial 1-43 as posted above) and usually a PLAAF regiment has 24 single-seater + 4 twin-stickers, the FTTC units are a bit smaller maybe ... so with these 43 aircraft at least 2 regiments can be equipped.



Junior Member
Registered Member
Sorry to ask, but why do You think 78 ???

Confirmed are 43 J-10Bs (by serial 1-43 as posted above) and usually a PLAAF regiment has 24 single-seater + 4 twin-stickers, the FTTC units are a bit smaller maybe ... so with these 43 aircraft at least 2 regiments can be equipped.

Ohh...well you see when you said "78x1x-serials", I thought you meant 78 fighters that had been in service. My mistake. I skim read way too often.


Lieutenant General
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No, the 78x1x-serial consists of two secretly connected numbers (to say so) ... the xx usually denotes the individual aircraft within a regiment, while 781 denotes the Brigade by 781 - 611 = 170. Brigade.

This pattern however works only for the Brigades, for the regular Divisions - as with the second serial - You have to use a different one: 1Yx3x - 11 = 2. Division. Here the Yxx-number is a bit different to the xx used by the Brigades:
the first regiment within a Division has numbers from Yxx = 001 to 049
the second regiment within a Division has numbers from Yxx = 051 to 099
the first regiment within a Division has numbers from Yxx = 101 to 149 or 150

That's the mystery of the PLAAF's serial system and that's the reason why I'm so much interested in the full serials ....
