Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Taiwan


Banned Idiot
at Bay.

During the 90s when Taiwan becoming an IT power house it's independence force was also the strongest.
Taiwan is not afraid of China's weaponries.

Ironcially, it 's South Korea that's keeping Taiwan at Bay from going the independence route.

Nowadays, Samsung is fearsome name in Taiwan IT industry.

Already, Samsung, Hynix has wiped out Taiwan's Memory business, Nanya, Powerchip, Promos all have exited memory business due to Korea competition.

HTC was once a very promising name in the Mobile Phone but now no more, it simply cannot keep up with the competition.
It already abandon the North America dimishing market and focus on mainland. HTC phone nowadays no competition for Samsung's Galaxy Phone.

China still buying up a lot of Taiwan LCD Screens and Mediatek cellphone chip for the low ended Mobile PHone.
So, now Taiwan realize it's trying separating from CHina, South Korea would gladly take its place in China Market.

Without China giving a hand to Taiwan IT companies in Mainland, it's fearsome South Korean Competitors can wipe them out.

Ironcially, it's not China's weaponries, but relying on Mainland to throw a lifeline to Taiwan IT companies otherwise South Korean competition would kill them.

Taiwan knows that. That's why it's keeping quiet in recent years anything regarding to independence.

CHina's biggest strategic weaponries is partnership with South Korea and that would keep Taiwan desperately attach to it ironically,


Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

There are no links provided so i suppose this is your personal analysis. This is wrong in so many ways. The growth of China's military might in my view certainly is one factor that's keeping Taiwan from going independent. Another factor is that the Taiwanese know that if they declare formal independence that the US won't help them in any war that might follow. This has been made evidently clear by the Bush administration in the 2000's. People often forget that president Chen's antics on Taiwan did not only anger China but it also has drawn ire from the Americans as well. America's national and strategic interest in the Taiwan Strait is stability that means the status quo. Any government on Taiwan that moves away from that either too close towards independence or reunification will face American pressure to step back. Another factor is economics as you said Taiwan is increasingly dependent on the Chinese market to sell its goods. The Taiwanese on a small island with 23 million people have build one of the worlds largest electronics industries. That's something very admirable and impressive. But if you can't sell your goods to others then you are in serious trouble. You can't eat those electronic components you have to sell them to someone. Its said that China has a lot of overcapacity in its economy and that its economy needs to rebalance towards domestic consumption and rely less on manufacturing and exports. Taiwan's economy is even more unbalanced toward manufacturing and export than that of China's. And Taiwan lacks the mass to shift towards domestic consumption so it will be dependent on others and don't have the ability to help itself like China potentially can. And Taiwan will become increasingly more and more dependent on China in the future.

But i didn't know that South Korea was hurting Taiwans industries so much.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

Linking only one single business to the independence of a nation is... sooooooo wrong.


Anyone who know a bit of finance and economy know that a nation cannot just survive on one single income... even Singapore being an small island had multiple incomes from multiple sectors... so that in dire time when one sector went bust, the other could still help to pull the country back to track.

In the past when Chiang left mainland and went to Taiwan, his main aim was to take back China, so there is no talk of independence.

Now, it was not that Taiwanese didn't want independence, it is because if Taiwan declared independence, there will be war. And frankly speaking, I do not believe US will step in, because US acknowledged the One China Policy. So US will not be bound by any treaty to help Taiwan if Taiwan declared indepence and war happened.
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Lieutenant General
Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

Even though I see it as possible... just not in Asia. You just have to look at Hong Kong and how it shot itself in the foot. The drama over the handover scared money away and Western expatriates from Hong Kong. As a result they were lost I would argue to this day. The anti-mainland politics is a sign of their frustrations. It's the same government the British left. After scaring off money and expatriates, they were in no condition to be what the West was building up Hong Kong as the one to change China... not the other way around. The rise of the Mainland put them in no position to be the teacher.

So it was tremendously short-sighted to actually think their calls for help to the West were actually going to be heard. Like the British and the West were going to send in their militaries to keep Hong Kong from China? It should've been a hint when the British wouldn't allow Hong Kongers, who then were still citizens of the British crown, to "escape" to Great Britain fleeing their soon-to-be communist overlords.


Senior Member
Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

I don't think China needs military to bring Taiwan down. If ROC declares independent and PRC confiscated all taiwanese properties in mainland and stop all Taiwan import is enough bring its kneels down.


Banned Idiot
Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

There are no links provided so i suppose this is your personal analysis. This is wrong in so many ways. The growth of China's military might in my view certainly is one factor that's keeping Taiwan from going independent. Another factor is that the Taiwanese know that if they declare formal independence that the US won't help them in any war that might follow. This has been made evidently clear by the Bush administration in the 2000's. People often forget that president Chen's antics on Taiwan did not only anger China but it also has drawn ire from the Americans as well. America's national and strategic interest in the Taiwan Strait is stability that means the status quo. Any government on Taiwan that moves away from that either too close towards independence or reunification will face American pressure to step back. Another factor is economics as you said Taiwan is increasingly dependent on the Chinese market to sell its goods. The Taiwanese on a small island with 23 million people have build one of the worlds largest electronics industries. That's something very admirable and impressive. But if you can't sell your goods to others then you are in serious trouble. You can't eat those electronic components you have to sell them to someone. Its said that China has a lot of overcapacity in its economy and that its economy needs to rebalance towards domestic consumption and rely less on manufacturing and exports. Taiwan's economy is even more unbalanced toward manufacturing and export than that of China's. And Taiwan lacks the mass to shift towards domestic consumption so it will be dependent on others and don't have the ability to help itself like China potentially can. And Taiwan will become increasingly more and more dependent on China in the future.

But i didn't know that South Korea was hurting Taiwans industries so much.

South Korea has hurted Taiwan Big time. LOsing China market is not a big deal if Taiwan can still maintain western Market share, but it can't due to South Korea.

Therefore, Taiwan needs special treatment from Mainland Market to stay afloat.


Banned Idiot
Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

Linking only one single business to the independence of a nation is... sooooooo wrong.


Anyone who know a bit of finance and economy know that a nation cannot just survive on one single income... even Singapore being an small island had multiple incomes from multiple sectors... so that in dire time when one sector went bust, the other could still help to pull the country back to track.

In the past when Chiang left mainland and went to Taiwan, his main aim was to take back China, so there is no talk of independence.

Now, it was not that Taiwanese didn't want independence, it is because if Taiwan declared independence, there will be war. And frankly speaking, I do not believe US will step in, because US acknowledged the One China Policy. So US will not be bound by any treaty to help Taiwan if Taiwan declared indepence and war happened.

Back In the 90s taiwan was pretty belligerent and feisty toward China when it thinks it can have big share of western market, now except TSMC, it's eating humble pie from big competition from South Korea.


Senior Member
Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

Back In the 90s taiwan was pretty belligerent and feisty toward China when it thinks it can have big share of western market, now except TSMC, it's eating humble pie from big competition from South Korea.

Even Acer can't beat Lenovo.


Banned Idiot
Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

Even Acer can't beat Lenovo.

Right now, taiwan's only remaining crowning jewel that can compete well in the western market is TSMC, but Samsung and Global Foundries are geared up and ready to challenge TMSC, and Taiwan is very worried its future whether it can hold them off.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Re: Ironically, it's Not China's weaponry but competition from South Korea keeping Ta

Back In the 90s taiwan was pretty belligerent and feisty toward China when it thinks it can have big share of western market, now except TSMC, it's eating humble pie from big competition from South Korea.

Right now, taiwan's only remaining crowning jewel that can compete well in the western market is TSMC, but Samsung and Global Foundries are geared up and ready to challenge TMSC, and Taiwan is very worried its future whether it can hold them off.

Like I say before and I will say again, basing a country's independence and continual growth on just one aspect of the market and in this case the consumer electronic market is foolish. No one would do that.

A country's overall economy don't just base on one thing. Taking Singapore as an example, Singapore land mass is much smaller than Taiwan, Singapore's population is smaller than Taiwan, Singapore didn't have anything remotely natural resources, there simply is no land in Singapore left for agriculture and don't even think of manufacturing electronic products.

So how do Singapore survive all these years and was even one of the richest in the region? By basing our economic to one aspect of the overall market? Totally B.S.

Yes. Taiwan's electronic consumer market had hit a rough patch, her HTC was badly hit and brands like BenQ and the such was almost unheard of now. But like I say there are other things in Taiwan that could keep her floating - things like, Tourism, Agriculture, finance, logistic and plastic manufacturing (remember Foxconn and many other smaller Taiwanese companies? And yes, they are mainly based in China, but they do have HQ in Taiwan, and these HQ paid taxes too).

So by just looking at, oh... I don't know... Korea kicking Taiwan's butt in term of electronic stuff and that would prevent Taiwan from gaining independence is simply wrong.

The main thing of Taiwan not trying to go for independence was many folds.

1) There WILL be war between China and Taiwan and right now, I don't think anyone in Taiwan would habour the idea of US stepping in, especially when US had acknowledge the One China Policy.
2) Taiwan and China are closer than many thinks, and Taiwanese firms had been setting up factories in China all the time.
3) China is still giving plenty of concession to Taiwan
4) China's rich tourists.

Electronic being hit by Korea is the least... if anything.