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The Punisher
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Hey, does anyone remember this story from the past?

It happened in America, and the people involved were all Asian and university students. I think it was California too.

What happened was one of them was unstable. He came from a nice family, I believe the father white and the mother was from East Asia, but he was a person that needed medication.
Up until this point I thought you were talking about Gordon Chang.


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I know I shouldn’t watch crap like this, but it does surprise me on how many channels as of late that I once found informative have devolved into madness and paranoia over time from how things are working out in the world right now. It is funny how certain channels can get so much wrong, that they believe that China and Russia to being in the losing end of things when it is the west that is completely losing it in every sense of the word, for evidence of this , simply watch Davos 2023 and you would easily see just how mad they have all become, I mean look as how crazy the elites are in how they behave, more weapons will solve the problem when such things need training for months to use. For them, diplomacy is dead and more of the same is the only solution and this is supposed to be a conference that is supposed to guided by reason and humanity, not some old fool that believes he can use economic sanctions and out right bullshit (microchips in brains and meta verse) to rule the world despite the companies responsible for such are now in economic free fall (simply looking at the number of layoffs from the tech companies recently in thousands demonstrates my point). To own nothing and being happy should never be in the same sentence and until this idiot understands how stupid this sentence is, his dream of a new world order will never come to be and the channel attached above shows just how disjointed the west world has finally become, a lot of what ifs and not enough reality, no attempts to understand the true cause and trying to insist that they are right without a single regard that maybe the side they cheer for are the sole and direct cause for all the misfortune happening right now and even worse, no amount of reasons being present are being considered until these peoples heads are slowly lowered onto the chopping block

Why is China depicted with a stylised David star, or is it a police patch? Either way there are not many jews in China nor as many Cops per capita than in the US?


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Why is China depicted with a stylised David star, or is it a police patch? Either way there are not many jews in China nor as many Cops per capita than in the US?
It's a not so subtle attempt at alluding China to be the new Nazi Germany. The Infographics Show stops just short of explicitly stating their racism and prejudice. It's a poor channel for anything beyond the most basic information that can be read off wikipedia and a moment's googling, given its shoddy record of research and fact checking, nevermind its bigotry.


Registered Member
Wait... I don't quite understand this Tweet thread.

Does that mean Ukraine is now calling upon their military commissariats stationed in those Balkan countries to "capture" Ukrainians and national minorities in those Balkan countries to be sent to the war front in eastern Ukraine - And that the Balkan countries are alarmed by this and are trying to stop it? Is my understanding correct?

If this reasoning is correct, could it be related to the recent Hungarian government's actions of sacking Hungarian generals and commanders that are allied to NATO? Plus the recent moves in Moldova regarding Transnistria?

For those who understand what's actually going on, do you mind explain it further?
Its not complex. Its the oldest trick in history to use war to clean up your country of the "undesirables" (these could be minorities, political opponents, different race/ethnicity, different religion etc)

Not strange at all, happens all the time


Junior Member
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Thanks. Quite big (bigger than Taiwan's defense budget) and it seems it is not part of official defense budget
Chinese VA spending appears large in absolute terms due to the large size of China. In relative terms, it is only a little over 10% of the official defense budget, while the official Chinese defense budget itself is only 1.3% of China's GDP. With VA spending included, total Chinese defense spending is still under 1.5% of GDP.

On the other hand, US VA spending is more than 40% of the official defense budget when the official defense budget itself is already 3.5% of US GDP. With VA spending included, total US defense spending is ~5% of GDP, with VA spending alone being ~1.5% of GDP.

Note that US VA spending ballooned after the War on Terror due to long term disabilities and health issues suffered by soldiers in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. US VA spending was only $70B in FY2000, compared to the $350B budgeted for FY2023. The rapid increase in US VA spending is continuing even after the winding down of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq due to veterans getting older and their health issues deteriorating with age and becoming more expensive to treat. This trend is likely to continue for some time, at least until the War on Terror veterans start dying off in large numbers due to old age.


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What kind of retards are running the country?

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I noticed this too. China, by many of its aspects, didn't feel like a developing country while I was there. People were actually doing their job instead of cheating each other all the time. The Netherlands is fine but as far as I see (and unfortunately we see since English is the global language) the UK and USA are filled with scammers and "get rich quick" type of people nowadays.

There are plenty of scammers in China but to be fair the major base of operation appears to be located on an island in the south east.


Registered Member
F... writing a resignation letter on a blank A4 paper with a pen.
Even Nixon's resignation letter was typed by typing machine.
Looks like a clean house-induced forced resignation?

It is totally abnormal for this many Ukrainian ministers and deputy ministers to resign within the last few days, coupled with the helicopter crash that killed one Ukrainian minister just last week.