J-20 5th Generation Fighter VII

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New winter flight jackets for J-20 pilots. They now come with fur collars.




Maybe it has to do with Turks had nothing to hide, like korean kf-21.
They have to advertise as much as possible to show the best of their toys to attract potential buyers. You can always find many advertisement from aircraft manufacturers on hardcopies/soft copies of military/technology magazines like Janes Defense Weekly or Air Pictorial magazine etc. Their aim is to make as much sales as they can.

Internatiional sales of top level fighter jets is not a priority to China, except J-31 and to a few selected friendly countries only.
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They have to advertise as much as possible to show the best of their toys to attract potential buyers. You can always find many advertisement from aircraft manufacturers on hardcopies/soft copies of military/technology magazines like Janes Defense Weekly or Air Pictorial magazine etc. Their aim is to make as much sales as they can.

Internatiional sales of top level fighter jets is not a priority to China, except J-31 and to a few selected friendly countries only.

I will not clamp it down on lack of desire for international sales, for instance, PLAAF had been pushing for J10 export for years. Still, they never really revealed the full capability of it, to this day.

It is as if the PLA views underrating of its capability by others as a strategic strength.
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