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Reports of radiation leakage at Nuclear Plant in Guangdong. Plant is part operated by the French. French has shared data and their concern with the US. National Security Council is assessing the situation.

Any news on this? Has this been confirmed.
Only CNN reported this:
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Framatome responded to CNN on Friday with this:
Framatome acknowledged the company "is supporting resolution of a performance issue with the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong Province, China."
"According to the data available, the plant is operating within the safety parameters. Our team is working with relevant experts to assess the situation and propose solutions to address any potential issue."

This nuclear power plant is jointly owned and constructed by Chinese and French companies and the French company is mostly owned by the French government, and that leads to a question: why didnt the French company report this to the French government?


Senior Member
Only CNN reported this:
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Framatome responded to CNN on Friday with this:
Framatome acknowledged the company "is supporting resolution of a performance issue with the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong Province, China."
"According to the data available, the plant is operating within the safety parameters. Our team is working with relevant experts to assess the situation and propose solutions to address any potential issue."

This nuclear power plant is jointly owned and constructed by Chinese and French companies and the French company is mostly owned by the French government, and that leads to a question: why didnt the French company report this to the French government?
Is that plant is operated by Chinese personnel or french, or joint? China should not let foreigners operate sensitive plants like nuclear power plants
You will leave yourself open to sabotage


Only CNN reported this:
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Framatome responded to CNN on Friday with this:
Framatome acknowledged the company "is supporting resolution of a performance issue with the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant in Guangdong Province, China."
"According to the data available, the plant is operating within the safety parameters. Our team is working with relevant experts to assess the situation and propose solutions to address any potential issue."

This nuclear power plant is jointly owned and constructed by Chinese and French companies and the French company is mostly owned by the French government, and that leads to a question: why didnt the French company report this to the French government?
Is it a US-designed nuclear power plant?


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Is that plant is operated by Chinese personnel or french, or joint? China should not let foreigners operate sensitive plants like nuclear power plants
You will leave yourself open to sabotage
Based on the article, Chinese.
Is it a US-designed nuclear power plant?

French and Chinese joint construction which is why this letter is intriguing.


This is golden. Top comment, taken from a FT article

Xi: Lui He, get Putin on the line.

Xi: Vlad ? Did you see the 7 stooges’ comunique ?


Xi: This is serious. They focused on me but Joe is going to dish it out to you next week.

Putin: Chill out. They are all broke. You may have to lend them some money to pay for the Green B$R. Make sure you charge them at least 10% interest as you well know Joe is facing 6% inflation and the dollar is worth zilch.
They are insinuating forced labor, that’s hilarious, Joe has penal labor in his Constitution !

Xi: They say the West is back ! Does that mean we’ll have to smoke opium ? Darn, Lui He just
quit smoking cigarettes last week.

Putin: You better install new sprinklers at your Forbidden City and take out an insurance policy with Lloyds.

Xi: What about all my people ? Will they make my country into a great brothel again ?
Will I have to give them part of my country ? I’m really worried !

Putin: Relax. The Yankees are all on dope, they can’t even shoot straight. Just get your
DF-41’s ready just in case Joe has an outbreak, they are all trigger happy.

Xi: Thanks for the advice. I think I’ll call Duterte, Joko, Nguyen Phuc, Kim, Modi, Thongloun, Hun Sen. Do you think I should call Moon ?

Putin: Call everyone, even our African, Latin American and Middle Eastern friends. Tell them the new Crusaders are back.
What is this nonsensical fantasy you've painted yourself this time about China treating Russia like some big brother mastermind? Is there a point at all? Why would Xi ask Putin these questions regarding the fate of the Chinese people? Xi knows better than anyone the answer to these questions and he does not ask anyone, especially any foreigner, how to run his country or whom to call. In the Sino-Russian relationship, if there is a junior partner, it would be Russia, not China; China is the only credible threat to Western dominance while Russia is the dickhead no one wants to mess with.


Registered Member
I found the numbers. Over the last 8 years China took on 3.8 trillion USD worth of development under BRI. So that's just under 10% of the 40 trillion that G7 is proposing.

So in other words, suppose that 40 trillion is supposed to be spent over the next 15 years (that's already a long planning horizon for democracies) per the plan, you will need over 5 China sized economy to take on all that building to actually make it happen.

How many Chinas is G7 worth in terms of infrastructure building? Perhaps we could compare high speed rail coverage? Motorway per year? Number of 5G station's so far built? HVDC lines? Automatic ports? Take your pick.

1. This is fake news. That 40 trillions sounds like a theoretical estimate. Not to be taken too seriously. They just want a big sounding number to make themselves look important.

2. A few years ago, when the BRI was gaining momentum, the talk was that over the next 10 to 15 years, China will invest over $1 trillion into the projects along the BRI. That $1 trillion to be invested by China alone, that was 7x times bigger in real terms that the Marshall Plan after World War 2.

So if the $40 trillion is to be taken seriously, then in real terms, the infrastructure to be built in the developing world in the next 15 years is 7x times $40 trillion which is a massive number, when compared to the Marshall Plan, which sounds like a bridge for sale in Brooklyn type of Reuters story.

Simply put, the west is not building $40 trillion dollars of infrastructure around the world. If $40 trillion is needed, then most of that would be coming from the local government.

If the west actually gets this infrastructure for the developing world up to $1 trillion, I would be totally shocked.

------------- -------------

The problem is kind of basic, because the west is late to this game.

One Belt One Road is under-reported in the Liberal media. The size no one can really grasp.

Since there is a fuzzy understanding about the number of projects, what the G7 spoke about this weekend makes them appear that they have no clue.

I think China is building about 15 dams along the Mekong River for those South East Asian countries. This is infrastructure. Now the Americans want to build infrastructure for the developing world. Are the American gonna build 15 more dams on the Mekong River? Sort of like how the Americans and Soviets used to match the number of warheads, now they will try to match the number of river dams? No.

Same constraints apply to the building of ports. If there is one port, why build another port right beside it? If a pizza store is doing good business, then maybe someone opens another pizza joint right beside it. But a major to be built right beside another major port? Got another bridge to sell.

Did China, when doing the BRI the past 10 years, pick all the secondary projects and left the prime projects for the Americans to develop later? President Trump has some swamp land he would like to sell, great location!

So really, I don't know what they are talking about in the Liberal media. Just straight ass propaganda.



Senior Member
So now they want to threaten China from across the table: "you yellow commie monkeys better buy all our other stuff or iron ore is going to $300 a tonne!"

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They tried everything with their media propaganda against China. From whining to complaining to threatening to begging allies for help to calling China, and all the while smearing China when they can.

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1. This is fake news. That 40 trillions sounds like a theoretical estimate. Not to be taken too seriously. They just want a big sounding number to make themselves look important.

2. A few years ago, when the BRI was gaining momentum, the talk was that over the next 10 to 15 years, China will invest over $1 trillion into the projects along the BRI. That $1 trillion to be invested by China alone, that was 7x times bigger in real terms that the Marshall Plan after World War 2.

So if the $40 trillion is to be taken seriously, then in real terms, the infrastructure to be built in the developing world in the next 15 years is 7x times $40 trillion which is a massive number, when compared to the Marshall Plan, which sounds like a bridge for sale in Brooklyn type of Reuters story.

Simply put, the west is not building $40 trillion dollars of infrastructure around the world. If $40 trillion is needed, then most of that would be coming from the local government.

If the west actually gets this infrastructure for the developing world up to $1 trillion, I would be totally shocked.

------------- -------------

The problem is kind of basic, because the west is late to this game.

One Belt One Road is under-reported in the Liberal media. The size no one can really grasp.

Since there is a fuzzy understanding about the number of projects, what the G7 spoke about this weekend makes them appear that they have no clue.

I think China is building about 15 dams along the Mekong River for those South East Asian countries. This is infrastructure. Now the Americans want to build infrastructure for the developing world. Are the American gonna build 15 more dams on the Mekong River? Sort of like how the Americans and Soviets used to match the number of warheads, now they will try to match the number of river dams? No.

Same constraints apply to the building of ports. If there is one port, why build another port right beside it? If a pizza store is doing good business, then maybe someone opens another pizza joint right beside it. But a major to be built right beside another major port? Got another bridge to sell.

Did China, when doing the BRI the past 10 years, pick all the secondary projects and left the prime projects for the Americans to develop later? President Trump has some swamp land he would like to sell, great location!

So really, I don't know what they are talking about in the Liberal media. Just straight ass propaganda.

The Reuters article says

"U.S. President Joe Biden and other G7 leaders hope their plan, known as the Build Back Better World (B3W) initiative, will provide a transparent infrastructure partnership to help narrow the $40 trillion needed by developing nations by 2035, the White House said."


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Lol 40 trillion, why not 400 trillion or 4,000 trillion? They're all about equal likely.
For comparison, US 2002 GDP was 20.6 trillion, so far the total spending on BRI has been a few trillion. Biden tried to get 6 trillion approved for US infrastructure work and GOP has cut him down to 1 trillion.

So yeah, 40 trillion, good one G7.

Tell you what would be funny though, if they do spend a few trillion (unlikely that may be) on development in the 3rd world I wouldn't be surprised it's actual Chinese companies that get the work in the end via outsourcing.

With what money? All G7 governments are on deficit spending. There is one other way of doing it -- using foreign currency reserve. Essentially one loans out excess foreign currency (i.e. USD ) and gain debt obligation or bond that also can serve as reserve -- and you can even demand the obligation to be made out in another currency ( such as RMB ). This is what I suspect China is doing -- instead of financing US, transmutes the excess reserve into RMB denominated instruments. None of the G7 has a sizable reserve except Japan, but US need Japan to prop up USD. Although Germany also has sizable trade surplus, it's in Euro so does not need to keep it in reserve, nor does it need to keep a sizable reserve like Japan. The neat point is that China does not need to budget BRI from the state budget, while G7s do if they want to counter BRI. Note they cannot print money either because inflations everywhere are increasing and there is a limit to how much cash an economy can withstand.