Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


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I like this passage in the above article:


It's complacency, pure and simple. Until last Thursday, most Canadians were still operating under the illusion that this was just a slightly worse version of the flu.

There was an article in the news saying "things got bad overnight". No you fool, it didn't get bad overnight, this thing has been brewing for two months! :mad:

This is what happens when a liberal arts major reports on medical science related topics.


Cambodia (where I come from) is in a chaos as 75 Muslims coming back from Malaysia with about 20 found positive. These people have been going home and running around the country. We don't know how many have been infected by them.
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Registered Member
Meanwhile today. WHO is about to be politicized.

WHO officials warn US President Trump against calling coronavirus 'the Chinese virus'

Which is what I've been saying, and what make his repeated "many times" on "Chinese virus" so objectionable! Look at how many chances he got to correct his "errors"!

1st, the Americans and the world gave Trump the benefit of the doubt that he might have "accidentaly slipped up" as he always does by shooting his mouth off before thinking!

2nd, reporters telling him its wrong and racists, and what he's doing is divisives, dangerous and putting Americans - abiet Chinese Americans lives in danger! And putting fear into them for good measure!

And now, WHO is telling him to stop. Yet, does he listen or worry about Chinese Americans' fears. Not one bit. To add insult to injury, he went on air and made it public that the reasons he called it the Chinese virus is because of someone in China had accused the US of bringing the virus over to China.

Wow, I don't know about you guys, but putting a section of your populace that you are supposed to take care of, in fear, and in danger (look at my previous post, where a guy is enbolden enough to demand China pays for "damages"), because someone in China had started it first by accusing the US of spreading the virus, is the behaviour of a 5 year old!


Senior Member
I certainly hope so, he shouldn't ever be able to work in greater China area ever again. This guy, like those spoilt Kids in Hong Kong don't know how lucky he is getting that plumb job in Hong Kong. I got two degtees, one in economics and one in accounting, and I couldn't get a job as a stock broker in Hong Kong.

I know this anti China white guy on a forum who claim to be working in HK financial sector. This asshole actively hates China with every post. Could be him


Registered Member
It was not directed at anyone in particular. As I mentioned, what Trump said was vile.

But I just wanted to remind us here that the suffering of the affected people in non-Asian countries is not some kind of “karma” for the sins of their political leaders or media. Rather they are the victims.

Just makes me kind of sad because I am somewhat of an idealist.

Yes, I know it wasn't directed at anyone. And I wasn't disagreeing with you. As I said before, I'm not for west "bashing", and anti-west, I'm just anti-anti-China!

Don't get me wrong, there are lot or wrongs in China, and this should be brought out and discuss (not sure what we can do about it).

But it is the relentless criticism even when China done right, it is still wrong! take a look at the recent example. China lockdown is draconian. Western lockdown is sensible! I rest my case.


Lieutenant General
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Yes, don't you love the MSM emotive use of words "desperate" and "war-time" for China! But when it is in the west, it's reasonable and wise precaution to protect the safety of their citizens!

This MSM reporting is not restricted to countries, it is regional as well. Here's something I found. Not sure if its legit, so please take it with a pinch of salt.

View attachment 58497

Again ... you are again on the best way to politicize this thread.

It has nothing to do with COVID-19 at all and all it does is spreading politics, hate and bias.

Take this as a warning. My red line in this issue is pretty clear!


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The real tragedy here is how fragile society has become. So many lives have been negatively effected, and all because of a flu with a realistic fatality rate of less than 1%. Even assuming the inflated rate of 2%, it's not exactly the Bubonic Plague, is it?

Yet, the entire world economy has come to standstill because the WHO/CDC issued overblown statements (just like they did with Ebola), then the media started issuing even more irresponsible statements and politicizing the issue, which started a chain reaction where the masses started demanding "action," which resulted in the governments panicking, which the media hyped up again to justify their original hype, thus creating this negative feedback loop. In the end, businesses are going bankrupt, people are getting laid off, society is "distancing" itself from each other (fighting in grocery stores over water bottles... in countries with the greatest supply of fresh water) all due to purely psychosomatic effects of mass hysteria, fostered by the media and corrupted organizations.

This whole episode will be studied by historians as a case-study of how ridiculous our entire society had become at this point in history. If all this mass-hysteria is the result of this fairly benign flu, what will happen when a real threat comes?
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