PRC/PLAN Laser and Rail Gun Development Thread


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I read a article in chinese from other site saying this is not a pure "rail gun" sense which is why its a failure but a hybrid "rail mod" enhancement on the chinese version advanced gun system.
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Here is article for those can read chinese, english speaker can google translate

2018/02/02 08:57瀏覽1,159迴響6推薦1引用0


但是這門新炮並不是美國人做的或者我以前談的“電磁炮”(“Railgun”,嚴格來説應該翻譯成“軌道炮”),這是因爲工作原理完全不一樣:Railgun的炮彈是綫圈環路的一部分(所以磁場是垂直於軸向的),必須承載很高的電流,只有如此,才能提供足夠的加速度來達到Mach 7以上的初速(計劃中的性能,美軍的原型只做到Mach 5)。但是它的缺點也很嚴重:炮身雖然不必是密封的管狀(實際上只是兩條導軌,兼職做爲電流的接頭;這也是Railgun名字的來源),卻必須承受極大的摩擦力和電流加熱,所以射速和炮身壽命都是難以剋服的工程挑戰,以致去年有報導說美國海軍已經準備放棄。





從照片來看,這個設計似乎有傳統的炮管,那麽最可能的,就是它基本上還是火炮,只不過加上電磁助推來增程減重。如前所述,它不適合對海和對空,那麽就應該是針對打擊固定的地面目標而設計的,可以采用相對簡單便宜得多的衛星制導來打擊點目標,或者靠完全無制導的自旋穩定來打擊面目標,只要口徑夠大,能裝載足夠的炸藥,性價比還可以接受。炮彈受發射藥和電磁綫圈雙重加速,炮管的長度和厚度都可以減半,以往要10000噸的重巡洋艦才能搭載的8寸炮,現在3400噸的船就可以搞定,曲射(假設Mach 3初速)又有100公里以上的射程,那麽我想用來在臺海戰役或者對任何美軍以外的敵對方岸上據點做為火力艦進行先期炮擊,還是可能有經濟效益的。

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Junior Member
Some rumor about why the Haiyangshan has been chosen to bear the honour: It served during the 1996 Taiwan-Strait Crisis, China's navy's wake up call.








Junior Member
Registered Member
I read a article in chinese from other site saying this is not a pure "rail gun" sense which is why its a failure but a hybrid "rail mod" enhancement on the chinese version advanced gun system.
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Here is article for those can read chinese, english speaker can google translate

He needs to see the new pic today; the barrel is rectangular. It can only be a regular railgun.

PLAN does not have AGS because they have given up on 155mm and developed precision guided ammo for 130mm (055, 052D). Some people (pop3) said the same guided ammo can be used on the railgun


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It's a railgun (square barrel)!

The muzzle is definitely round. Not so sure for the barrel with that cover on it.


Lieutenant General
The barrel is square for sure Anyway fro Oedo

Naval Processing University Power Integrated Innovation Team introduced at the official website of the National Science and Technology Awards Competition in 2015
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> A certain type electromagnetic launch system in which the team was developed will advance in parallel with the world's most advanced level > Breakthrough the stepping state of rail type electromagnetic energy weapons technology in our country and showed significant progress





Lieutenant General
Google translate

Under the guidance of Academician Ma Weiming, Navy Institute of Electric Power Integration Innovation Team has set up a world-class State Key Laboratory of Ship Integrated Power Technology. And has become a R & D center and a high-level personnel training base in military electrical field after nearly 30 years of struggle.

The existing permanent researchers has 73 people, including 43 senior staff, Dr. 66, the average age of 35 years. The team created the "power integration" technical thinking, developed three generations of integrated power generation system, breaking the monopoly of foreign technology and laid the international shipbuilding power generationand become international leader in the field .

The first wave of medium-voltage DC integrated power system ship, to achieve China's ship power from backward to the leading leapfrog the foreignner, and led the international development of integrated power technology. The development of an electromagnetic launch system has filled the domestic blank and achieved simultaneous development with the most advanced level in the world.

And breaking the bottleneck that the guide rail electromagnetic energy weapon technology in our country that was stagnant and made significant progress. The team has won two first and second prizes of national scientific and technological progress, two third prizes of technical inventions, 12 first prizes of military scientific and technological progress and eight second prizes.

The team achievements promoted the leap-forward development of the weapons and equipment of our warships, enhanced national confidence and won wide acclaim from experts and media both at home and abroad. The team actively promoted the integration of civilians and civilians and led the establishment of a national R & D center for new energy access equipment.

They developed wind power, photovoltaic power generation converter devices and multi-energy power stations have produced significant economic and social benefits. Based on long-term accumulation and sustainable development, the team has more than 700 million yuan of fixed assets, more than 20,000 square meters of scientific research construction area and more than 700 sets of instruments and equipments. It has won 70 invention patents of the state / national defense and 5 monographs and published SCI / EI More than 550 papers. At present, the team is carrying out project development and popularization and application of integrated power and electromagnetic launch systems, and actively promoting the transformation of naval equipment and information and the development in civil-related fields.