Great Fictional World War III book (China & allies VS US & allies)

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I finished the book and epilouge/afterword and it was overall very good.

Jeff, is it okay with you and everybody else if I doscuss some things that might be plot spoliers?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I finished the book and epilouge/afterword and it was overall very good.

Jeff, is it okay with you and everybody else if I doscuss some things that might be plot spoliers?
I have no problem since that type of thing began earlier in the thread, just warn folks. Thanks for asking and thanks for reading it. I know it's a long book, but am gald that overall you found it to be a good read...that was my hope.


VIP Professional
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

In ye olde usenet era, whenever we post "spoiler" discussions, we'd put the standard spoiler warning on top, then leave about a page of blank space. So if the reader wants to skip reading the thread, they can do so without accidently reading the spoiler info.
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

Ah I still don't see how the US invented space-frigates so quickly. And how the US was able to outproduce the CAS and GIR despite parts of the book which said the CAS and GIR controlled the vast majority of production capability in the world. And the LRASD seem a bit overpowered, don't they?

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

Ah I still don't see how the US invented space-frigates so quickly. And how the US was able to outproduce the CAS and GIR despite parts of the book which said the CAS and GIR controlled the vast majority of production capability in the world. And the LRASD seem a bit overpowered, don't they?
They used existing technology and research and cobbled it together. Same with the production. It took a good four-five years of full war mobilization in the book to do it...all the while the US and its allies loosing a lot of land area. If the United States is given time to pull out all the stops, get past all of the abject/extreme environmental laws, forget all the litigation efforts...and focus on pure it had to do in World War II, then within five years, with the resources reapplied and energy independence achieved...the US would be capable of the types of production and inginuity described in the series.

Yamamoto knew he could run rampant for six months if he set the US back in Pearle Harbor at the start of World War II...and he was right. Then the US came charging back. In these books, the US is set back four or five years, and then comes charging back...but it still takes what, another three to four years before the issue is settled.

On top of all that...please remember, it is a fictional novel, and as such, I hope you enjoyed it.
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VIP Professional
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I have joust finished the book and I have enjoyed it very much. Some parts are written from little to conservative point of view for European semi liberal like me but all in all it is still great book…

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

isthvan said:
I have joust finished the book and I have enjoyed it very much. Some parts are written from little to conservative point of view for European semi liberal like me but all in all it is still great book…
Well, thank you very, very much...I am rellay glad you enjoyed it and all the more so if you enjoyed it despite some of its conserative perspective...which BTW was written to reflect the conservative positions of the characters.

Haha yes I did thoroughly enjoy it. Two thumbs up!
Thank you as well FriedRice. Now if you could just find a way for someone like Roger Ebert to get a copy and give it the same thumbs up I would be most appreciative...LOL!

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Re: Great China VS U.S war book

I think that this war would cause the extincion of humanity. Nuclear weapons are used frequently (both in military purposes and for the liftoff of spacecraft) and the orbital bombardment weapons would have terrible effects on the planets climate (remember what happened to the dinosaurs?).

As for the military tactics/technology side of things, I think that the vast technology advances are realistic. Think about the difference in weaponry at the beginning of WWII and the end. In both cases, the basis of the technology exsisted (jet engines, rockets, radar, true aircraft carrier fleets for WWII and advanced space travel, hypersonic aircraft, LRASD weapons and all the other goodies in Dragon's Fury) but were only in beginning stages at the start of the war. At the end of the war, they were developed into a more developed form. Which is why I say war and greed are what drives technological innovation. :)