Book - Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av.


Lieutenant General
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Re: Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av

Just a question regarding "Modern Chinese Warplanes" !

I've noticed that in the current issue of AirForces Monthly (August 2014) there is a review written by Glenn Sanders (!?) ... can anyone post that one here ???



Lieutenant General
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Re: Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av

Just a question regarding "Modern Chinese Warplanes" !

I've noticed that in the current issue of AirForces Monthly (August 2014) there is a review written by Glenn Sanders (!?) ... can anyone post that one here ???


Here it is !

By the way I found this link:

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... and they seems to talk about my book (at least Tom's name and Harpia mentioned :confused:)


英国知名航空杂志《飞行国际》新近发布年度趋势报告——《2014世界空军》(World Air Forces 2014),其中提到,中国空军的战机数量位列世界第二,仅次于美国,排在俄罗斯之前,占全球军机总量的10%。西方媒体在被这份材料吸引的同时,发现有关中国空军的参考书目绝大部分涉及武器硬件、历史沿革等,稍好一点的是以战略思维、基本作战准则为主题;至于中国空军整体组织框架——上至中央决策或指挥阶层,下至基层组织——这些看起来复杂而又不容易收集到资料的题材,依然是冷僻而让人充满兴趣的部分。

无独有偶,一家名为“哈皮亚”(Harpia Publishing)的欧洲出版商,在今年夏天推出《现代中国战机》(Modern Chinese Warplanes)一书,它由英国《战场飞机》杂志记者安德雷斯·拉普雷切特和奥地利航空专家汤姆·库柏合著,重点探讨中国空军(海军航空兵)的组织结构和装备现状,对编制及涂装规律也进行了一番梳理。





What they are talking about ??? Would be my first Chinese review ! :)


Harpia MCW - review by AFM xl.jpg
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Lieutenant General
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Re: Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av

:p:p:p:p Come on guys ... not all examples are sold ! ;)

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    Harpia MCW - review by ​​​​​​​​​JAPCC Jour.jpg
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Re: Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av

Here it is !

By the way I found this link:

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... and they seems to talk about my book (at least Tom's name and Harpia mentioned :confused:)

What they are talking about ??? Would be my first Chinese review ! :)


该书偏向杂志风格,以精美照片为主打,辅以文字说明,颇下了一番功夫。例如,本书作者之一库柏注意到,中国 空军在1964年之前采取迥异于当今的军机分类,不是像现在这样以歼击机、强击机……称呼机型,而是以“东 风”(歼击机)、“雄鹰”(强击机)、“飞龙”(轰炸机)、“和平”(运输机)、“红专”(教练机)和“旋 风”(直升机)作为各机型的代称,1964年之后才使用目前外界较为熟悉且一目了然的机型称谓 。

They basically said that your book is stylistically similar to a magazine and primarily features excellent photos with detailed captions. Obviously a lot of effort is involved. For example, Tom (one of the authors) noticed that the Chinese Air Force categorized military aircraft differently before 1964. They didn't refer to aircraft as fighters, attack jets, etc. Instead, they referred to them as "East Wind" (fighters), "Mighty Eagle" (attack plane), "Flying Dragon" (bomber), "Peace" (transport), "Hong Zhuan" (trainer), and "Whirlwind" (helicopter).

Jeff Head

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Re: Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av

For everyone visiting, lurking, posting to, or hearing of this thread.

I heartily recommend Deino's book. I bought and received mine back in January and keep it prominently displayed in my library with my other really good Military reference books (like USNI'a Press Combat Fleets 2014).

If you get a chance, and want a throughly researched, sourced, and excellent book about tChinese military aircraft...get this book. LOTS of great pictures in it too.

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Re: Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av

If you get a chance, and want a throughly researched, sourced, and excellent book about tChinese military aircraft...get this book. LOTS of great pictures in it too.
Indeed. From what I read from the Chinese review the reviewer is extremely impressed with the Deino's attention to details. As a matter of fact I won't be surprised if Deino's book gets the attention of Western and Chinese Intelligence agencies.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Re: Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av

Indeed. From what I read from the Chinese review the reviewer is extremely impressed with the Deino's attention to details. As a matter of fact I won't be surprised if Deino's book gets the attention of Western and Chinese Intelligence agencies.

And now Chengdu, Dieno could have his bags packed in time to meet you in Zuhai, you really need a PR coup to put the J-20 on the fast track with the PLAAF.


Lieutenant General
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Re: Modern Chinese Warplanes Combat Aircraft and Units of the Chinese AF and Naval Av

Indeed. From what I read from the Chinese review the reviewer is extremely impressed with the Deino's attention to details. As a matter of fact I won't be surprised if Deino's book gets the attention of Western and Chinese Intelligence agencies.

Thanks my friends !

Indeed, like the publisher told me my book seemed to have been a "heads-up" in some certain circles and was quite well received from several military attachés especially in Far East; it was also discussed during a conference set up by the NATO-related organisation "JAPCC" (Joint Air Power Competence Centre).

So far my best review I received was from Mr. Norman Polmar - quite a prominent author specializing in the naval, aviation, and intelligence areas and the review man responsible for the magazine "Proceedings" published by the United States Naval Institute - ... to admit I'm quite proud.


As such if You want an update in a few years ... please go and buy !



Lieutenant General
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Decided to "BUMP" this thread and move it to the Air Force forum where I believe it belongs.

Thanks Jeff ... especially funny since I just got note from the publisher that we've managed to sell 1000 books since it was published ..... and psssssssst, do not tell it my wife, an update is planned for about 2018 in two volumes one for the PLAAF and one for the PLANAF each. But until then a surprise in early 2016. :p

Deino :)