Germany Carl Zeiss, heart of Dutch ASML Lithography Equipment.

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近 2 年来,由于受到美国的制裁,中兴不仅赔偿了 10 亿美元的罚款,而且受此影响中兴的销售额度一度下滑,据业内人士统计中兴事件损失的金额可达百亿元,这样的损失对于中兴来说可谓是大伤元气,中兴在国内外手机行业的销量也是一落千丈,不过通讯设备起家的中兴依然有着较强的实力,俗话说:瘦死的骆驼比马大,中兴就好像是那一只骆驼。


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领域中华为是国内第一家使用 7nm 技术的科技公司,而中兴也是除了华为以外第二家将 7nm 技术量产的公司,而且中兴在量产 7nm 工艺的芯片上加入了 5nm 的技术,可以说中兴也已经成为国内芯片技术领域的佼佼者,中兴在操纵系统领域的成果也是出类拔萃,目前已经出货 2 亿套,新支点也成为国内出货量最多的国产操作系统。

中兴不光在芯片和操作系统上交出了满意的答卷,在数据库领域也做出了卓越的贡献,中兴自研的分布式数据库 GoldenDB 拥有 100 多项专利,成为国内首个商用的自研数据库,该数据库已经应用于国内的金融领域,成为国内银行最主要的数据库类型,并且获得了众多银行客户的一致认可。

中兴消费者终端战略部负责人吕钱浩介绍,中兴拥有核心的自主研发能力,近年来已经累计研发各种芯片 100 余种,覆盖承接、接入、终端和应用等多个领域,在 5G 多模芯片中做出了卓越的贡献,并且斩获了 2019 年“中国芯”的称号。

中兴新支点操作系统出货量已经达到 2 亿台,目前主要应用于国内的高铁、通信、航空航天航海领域,其中国内有名的复兴号列车就是搭载了中兴新支点操作系统,复兴号列车时速可以达到 300km/h,号称可以在车厢内立硬币,但是大多数人却不知道复兴号列车上计算机控制器搭载的就是中兴的新支点操作系统,新支点操作系统已经应用到如此重要的场景之中,可见国产新支点系统发展潜力有多

The forgotten one, making a comeback. Pretty impressive, developed over 100 chips, has 7nm, 5nm chip in 5G.
It's OS used widely in China. Over 200 millions copies used , including China high speed rail
It's Oracle database like product being used in finance.


Junior Member
The following link is a summary of EUV lithography technology use by ASML/Cymer. Tidalwave has already posted part of the summary. This one has some more info.

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This is an old link on China domestic 22 nm/10 nm lithography tool.

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the task is for China pooling its resources to actually start making EUV lithography equipment. Just do it.
Enough background info at hand in terms what needed to be done,

I don't think making EUV lithography is harder than making high end super computer or high end satellite (like DH-5) or ICBM or nuke warhead or J-20 or Type 052/55, Type 095/096, etc, etc

It is just a matter of priority and China, including USA, Japan, SK, etc decided just to buy it from ASML. Give China or USA or Japan 5 years, they would be able to come up similar specs and it would be the end of ASML


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Right, I would think the task of catching up in this area would be quite simple no?

Thinking of it backwards (since I’m too ignorant about the technicalities), this one relatively small company with a revenue of ~$12 billion holds all the tech that would be needed to be the EUV lithography leader?

Would it not be simple for China to use their resources to catch up pretty quickly?


Registered Member
Right, I would think the task of catching up in this area would be quite simple no?

Thinking of it backwards (since I’m too ignorant about the technicalities), this one relatively small company with a revenue of ~$12 billion holds all the tech that would be needed to be the EUV lithography leader?

Would it not be simple for China to use their resources to catch up pretty quickly?
Maybe because "this small company" doesn't have all the tech necessary for China to catch up? You may read the thread from the beginning. Especially the technical documents and posts made by Tidalwave. ASML has a bevy of patents and " industry secrets" that help it corner the market for EUV lithography. It also sources many components from other companies (Carl Zeiss...the title of the thread...*cough*)


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Maybe because "this small company" doesn't have all the tech necessary for China to catch up? You may read the thread from the beginning. Especially the technical documents and posts made by Tidalwave. ASML has a bevy of patents and " industry secrets" that help it corner the market for EUV lithography. It also sources many components from other companies (Carl Zeiss...the title of the thread...*cough*)

US has declared war on China at least economically. At some point China needs to stop caring about Patents and just go for it. After all when they've already been sanctioned to the point of the brink, whats the point?


Registered Member
US has declared war on China at least economically. At some point China needs to stop caring about Patents and just go for it. After all when they've already been sanctioned to the point of the brink, whats the point?
Whose patents ? China would be putting its hands on the plates of European companies (Germany,Netherlands etc) rather than American Plate. Why should European companies be penalized for America started trade war? That would make even EU stand with US.
Right now, the EU isn't as against China as USA. Moreover, many EU countries are hesitant to follow American direction to ban Huawei / other Chinese companies.

So the question is - IS it worth it? Can china afford to open multiple fronts in the technology war ?
China must give respect and take respect in the case of Europe. A divided Europe is the best for China.
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