Embrace your inner nerd: which one comes first, chicken or egg?

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Not that far. They put some simple molecules, like CO2, H2O, etc, in a flask and applied pressure and high temperatures and UV light. Some simple organic molecules formed in the flask. That's it. Nothing alive came out...

People are indeed attempting to test more complex forms of the same process. Putting DNA and simple proteins in synthetic liposomes (mimicking cell membranes). Not sure how it went...

Exactly, an intelligent design, requires an intelligent designer! its real simple, but then we all have questions, don't we?

let me counter you initial question with another??

what came first?? Dr. SONG?? or the J-20????? see how simple and logical that is, no questions, just the truth!


Junior Member
Registered Member
birds, mammals, reptiles, ... were all evolved from fish as the first vertebrate. Before that the creatures on earth are basically bugs and centipedes but fossil evidence showed eggs existed then. If you agree egg as an evolutionary feature, the creatures (whatever it is) existed before egg is developed. So to summarize, eggs, like sexual reproduction, are evolutionary features that the really old creatures do not have. (do you know we are all born as female, then 50% of human develop male sexual features later, suggesting sex is actually secondary)

If you look at modern chicken of course you can't decipher sex and egg, just like any other features these modern creatures have (foot, wings, features etc), they are gradually added along the evaluation path.

If you like this topic you should watch a documentary "your inner fish" it explains human being's biological features inherent from our ancestral fish.
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Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
birds, mammals, reptiles, ... were all evolved from fish as the first vertebrate. Before that the creatures on earth are basically bugs and centipedes but fossil evidence showed eggs existed then. If you agree egg as an evolutionary feature, the creatures (whatever it is) existed before egg is developed. So to summarize, eggs, like sexual reproduction, are evolutionary features that the really old creatures do not have. (do you know we are all born as female, then 50% of human develop male sexual features later, suggesting sex is actually secondary)

If you look at modern chicken of course you can't decipher sex and egg, just like any other features these modern creatures have (foot, wings, features etc), they are gradually added along the evaluation path.

If you like this topic you should watch a documentary "your inner fish" it explains human being's biological features inherent from our ancestral fish.

sounds totally "fishy" to me!


Lieutenant General
It's all about survival. The egg is just another step in the evolutionary process. Single-celled organisms just divided into copies. As life got more complex, eggs were either internal or external. A "hard-shell" egg is about survival outside the body usually numerous in order for survival of the species meaning low in the food chain and life was short and environmental conditions. The human body is sort of an eggshell. It protects the fetus and feeds it. So figuratively speaking the chicken came first since the egg is one step in the evolution of life that started from single-celled organisms.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Why is either needed? It could be that any place in the universe that has abundant carbon evolves life in the same way and eventually gets to the egg and chicken stage. Or it could be that some life has no carbon component and evolves with no chicken or egg analog.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Why is either needed? It could be that any place in the universe that has abundant carbon evolves life in the same way and eventually gets to the egg and chicken stage. Or it could be that some life has no carbon component and evolves with no chicken or egg analog.

Actually life does not have to be based on carbon/oxygen or water. These are just life forms we are familiar given Earth's environment. Life as we defined means there has to be some chemical process to get energy (such as photosynthesis and digestion) then the energy is used in activities resulting reproduction.

There is plenty of evidence such as near some volcano there are sulfur-based life forms. They do not use oxygen, carbon, or water. There must be other possibilities we do not know yet. In other words when you talk generally, you first have to define what is "chicken" and "egg".