China's strategy in Korean peninsula


Lieutenant General
Oh no, Vietnam is stuck with China for better or worse, but that does not mean they won't cause China any damage if they really want to, they are the only real resistance left for China in Asia Pacific now that Philippine has folded. US carrier is going to dock in Vietnam next year, and Vietnam is probably going to start to buy US weapons and with any chance another US base right on China's footstep.

Does this going to effect China in the long term? not really, does it going to have a impact on China in the short term, very much so.

It seems your argument is that its in Vietnam's DNA to hate China, and also in Vietnam's DNA to submit to Chinese dominance therefore China should not worry about Vietnam, because eventually history will win out and China will have its way... to be fair yeah that is the historical pattern of interaction of Vietnam and China. But still, in the modern age, do not underestimate a unified nation of 90+ million under China's noses and being very hostile to China, they are capable of doing real damage to Chinese interest if push come to shove. Therefore Vietnam's action towards China does matter a lot more than you like to easily dismiss, and for same reason, a unified Korean with similar sentiment towards China will be the same.

Bottom line a 90+million does NOT match with 1.3+Billion...period! I don't why you still think this little guy perspective is some how be able dictate to China and the people, when Vietnam never does it before for millennials. There are more Vietnamese women marrying to Chinese men than the other way around. I don't see them hating on China.

You forgot the time when China recently told Vietnam to stop drilling for exploration of resources in the contentious SCS and they did because they thought Trump had their backs.


Bottom line a 90+million does NOT match with 1.3+Billion...period! I don't why you still think this little guy perspective is some how be able dictate to China and the people, when Vietnam never does it before for millennials. There are more Vietnamese women marrying to Chinese men than the other way around. I don't see them hating on China.

You forgot the time when China recently told Vietnam to stop drilling for exploration of resources in the contentious SCS and they did because they thought Trump had their backs.

exactly .. remember that the 1.3+B is ~5x richer than the 90+M .... so in economic term ... about 70x bigger and more powerful. I wouldn't fight anybody which is 70x more powerful ;););)


Junior Member
Registered Member
Bottom line a 90+million does NOT match with 1.3+Billion...period! I don't why you still think this little guy perspective is some how be able dictate to China and the people, when Vietnam never does it before for millennials. There are more Vietnamese women marrying to Chinese men than the other way around. I don't see them hating on China.

You forgot the time when China recently told Vietnam to stop drilling for exploration of resources in the contentious SCS and they did because they thought Trump had their backs.

This has gotten way off topic, so this will be my last reply on the topic of Vietnam, if you want to keep talking to me PM me next.

Again, if you want to argue with me, stop using antidote, yes Vietnamese work in China and intermarry with Chinese, and I can point out just as many other examples that support my argument. Why don't you use data to support your argument instead of keep telling me stories, its pretty easy to find you can google it, stories and antidote appeals to emotions, data support real evidence, if you do look for you, you can see Vietnamese in general really hates China. As for why, I'm not going to discuss it, as for how should China do to make it better, I'm also not going to discuss, but if we disagree on the premise in the first place there is no discussion on what to do next.

As for your next argument that Vietnam cannot stand up to China because its dwarfed by China, I think I already point this out in my last few reply so I'll say it one more time.

1. Vietnam will never go toe to toe with China ever, that is not the point, Vietnam is not an existential threat to China's existence, never has been and never will be.
2. But it does not mean Vietnam can be ignored or dismissed, Vietnam can do real damages to China's interest if they really want to, 90 million people with full industrial capability like China, combined with US's military back and full backing is going to effect China's decision making.
3. You point out that Chinese stopped their oil drilling and this support my argument more, Vietnam knows it does not have a chance in this, but they did it away, that shows either stupidity or courage. But this action do support my point that there is strong Anti China sentiment in Vietnam. And yes, Chinese stopped their foolish action that was bound to fail, but do you really think this will be end of it? Vietnam is not going to roll over and submit, they will do further actions against Chinese interest in the near future.

Again, this has gotten way off topic, PM me if you want to reply.


The key is China has to be remain strong (and growing) ... nobody would dare doing anything "stupid" to China ... like China in 1970s when Vietnam openly challenging China (at that time China was at the "lowest")


Junior Member
Registered Member
I propose lets stop talking about Vietnam in Korea thread, open up another thread just for Vietnam if you want and lets discuss it.


Lieutenant General
This has gotten way off topic, so this will be my last reply on the topic of Vietnam, if you want to keep talking to me PM me next.

Again, if you want to argue with me, stop using antidote, yes Vietnamese work in China and intermarry with Chinese, and I can point out just as many other examples that support my argument. Why don't you use data to support your argument instead of keep telling me stories, its pretty easy to find you can google it, stories and antidote appeals to emotions, data support real evidence, if you do look for you, you can see Vietnamese in general really hates China. As for why, I'm not going to discuss it, as for how should China do to make it better, I'm also not going to discuss, but if we disagree on the premise in the first place there is no discussion on what to do next.

As for your next argument that Vietnam cannot stand up to China because its dwarfed by China, I think I already point this out in my last few reply so I'll say it one more time.

1. Vietnam will never go toe to toe with China ever, that is not the point, Vietnam is not an existential threat to China's existence, never has been and never will be.
2. But it does not mean Vietnam can be ignored or dismissed, Vietnam can do real damages to China's interest if they really want to, 90 million people with full industrial capability like China, combined with US's military back and full backing is going to effect China's decision making.
3. You point out that Chinese stopped their oil drilling and this support my argument more, Vietnam knows it does not have a chance in this, but they did it away, that shows either stupidity or courage. But this action do support my point that there is strong Anti China sentiment in Vietnam. And yes, Chinese stopped their foolish action that was bound to fail, but do you really think this will be end of it? Vietnam is not going to roll over and submit, they will do further actions against Chinese interest in the near future.

Again, this has gotten way off topic, PM me if you want to reply.

No it proves that you failed to show how or how many of these anti-China sentiments warrant enough as a state or state relationship as whole.


Senior Member
DPRK seems to be behaving in the manner that it has been, the past few years, because it is fiercely independent and does not want supporting powers to have any leverage over them. And their leader, Kim, well has been fed the idea that he is a God (Naozobillah). So forgive me for saying this, but one cannot reason with someone like that. Be it Kim or Trump. In essence DPRK is an inconvenient ally for China or Russia. Ideally, North Korea would pursue economic prosperity and become stronger like South Korea. However, the North has been hijacked by these buffoons who think they are Devine or something. Truth be told, if China was like America, then you can bet your bottom dollar that there would have been a regime change in North Korea a long time ago. Thankfully China is not like America and unfortunately, North Korea is ruled by a bunch of morons. That's the bitter truth.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
DPRK missed their opportunity to do Chinese style reform back in the early 90s, if they do that now its too little and too late, they will only lose the grasp of its own people, and every year the gap between grows wider between the 2 Koreas. If this continues the future doe not look good for them.

So what else can they do? Develop nukes to make sure no one invades them, so they can focus on internal repression and develop their own economy on its own terms, this formula might just work for them.

I see between SK and NK, NK is the one with much more courage and guts, SK has devolved into a self hatting US puppet. If NK's economy were in SK's position I dare to say NK would have launched the unification war 10-20 years ago.

I think they are just trying to blackmail US with nukes to force sign a peace treaty and go back onto the international stage at their own terms with nuclear weapons as their backbone. hate them or not, in this aspect they do have the Chinese spirit, its not unlike how China developed its own nukes during the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.


Registered Member
Oh no, Vietnam is stuck with China for better or worse, but that does not mean they won't cause China any damage if they really want to, they are the only real resistance left for China in Asia Pacific now that Philippine has folded. US carrier is going to dock in Vietnam next year, and Vietnam is probably going to start to buy US weapons and with any chance another US base right on China's footstep.

Does this going to effect China in the long term? not really, does it going to have a impact on China in the short term, very much so.

It seems your argument is that its in Vietnam's DNA to hate China, and also in Vietnam's DNA to submit to Chinese dominance therefore China should not worry about Vietnam, because eventually history will win out and China will have its way... to be fair yeah that is the historical pattern of interaction of Vietnam and China. But still, in the modern age, do not underestimate a unified nation of 90+ million under China's noses and being very hostile to China, they are capable of doing real damage to Chinese interest if push come to shove. Therefore Vietnam's action towards China does matter a lot more than you like to easily dismiss, and for same reason, a unified Korean with similar sentiment towards China will be the same.

And lastly it seems everyone think I'm being an A-hole for preventing Korean from unification therefore from a morality point of view I'm wrong. No, not really, Vietnam would NEVER unify without China's help, China send tens of thousands of Chinese into Vietnam to fight for them, run logistics for them, giving them food, weapons, ammo, setting up SAM network etc... And that was during the hardest time of China's great leap forwards, millions of Chinese were dying of hunger, but Mao collected rice from starving farmers and send it to North Vietnam so they can free up the Vietnamese farmers to fight in the South, that was one of the most stupidest action China have ever taken, if China had done less or nothing, Vietnam would still be divided and busy feuding with each other, and China would not suffer such sacrifice. Same situation for Korea, the only way for Korea to unify is for China to get involved to help one side over the other, there is no way in hell both Korea will unify with each other on their own, therefore if China decides to do nothing its not morally wrong, this is what I'm advocating, do nothing and Korea will stay divided until a much more powerful China arrives in the future to better deal with Vietnam and Korea and Mongolia and Japan.

I agree that Vietnam can damage China.

But in the process, Vietnam will come out in far worse shape.