Change of tune


Junior Member
Regarding Japanese Navy, every thing is correct. It has a big upper hand in technology. Japanese naval communication system is said to be better than that of US !!!! :eek:

But regarding India , wel I am having doubts. Indian Navy may have a slight advantage in technology due to high end imports from Russia and Israel. And also India is pretty quick in absorbing these technologies to make indigeneous variants !!!

But in plain numbers China beats India. I think India is said to be stronger because of its carrier force.



Junior Member
VIP Professional
Well said ArjunMKI. Let's hope that friendship between both nations happens in the future and stays that way. In the end, it doesn't matter who has the best navy or army or jet fighter. If a war is fought, everybody is a loser. And if war is avoided and friendship is achieved, everybody is a winner.:)


Banned Idiot
i dont like how this guy judges the power of the indian navy simply by the carriers and whatever advanced imports they recieve. the talwar for example has soe decent electronics adn command system, but nothing very advanced or special compared ot what the rest of the world already has. the large clutter of "stuff" on its deck almost nulls out it's stealthy design. but its an all round good ship.

the carrier is either an advantage or a liability, depending on how the indians use it. but its not particularly advanced, and the indians still lack a ship with fleet air defence abilities.

the japanese claims were generally unbiased, althouygh once again, much of japan'd advanced equipment come from high-end american exports.

although the article is certainly an improvement over the previous atrtegy page claims, it still has a long way to go before it's able to cover alll perspectives.
SampanViking said:
Usually in these matters, the content of an article can almost be disregarded as irrelevant or summarised to simple Good/Bad Pro/Anti position. The interesting part - the bit that really matters, is who is the author?, and what is there agenda?

So does anyone know the general writings of this guy? does it vary from his usual output? which tub does he normally thump?, Is this the Anti-China brigade changing tack, from China threat to China joke, in the hope of stinging China in to some kind of hasty and illconsidered action? or something else entirely?

Learn to read between the lines!!!! become old and cynical like me.

Thanks Sampan Viking!!! What caught my attention, and what is the purpose of the post, is the sudden 180 turnaround from China threat to China catching up from a fairly hawkish US source... so why?

I do hope that it is representative of a shift among American hardliners to not be pre-emptively hostile to China.

Baibar of Jalat

Junior Member
This apparent shift from people in the region and US from as the thread states from scare mongering to revalution of chinese capibilities with facts, shows how little influence china has on how it portrayed in the western nations. esp US.

Most countries have invested heavily in portraying itself favourably in the eyes of US administrations. India has an effective pro lobby establishment u see results with the Bush admin exchanging nuclear tech even though it is illegal under US law to sign a deal. Israel's is well documented influence( u prob know about it)

Saudia Arabia has got a large lobby, which they needed it after 9/11. today do u hear any threats or scare mongering aimed at Saudi?

China should take concrete steps to clean up its image inparticular regard to economic issues, if dispel some of gov and public feelings that china's just after tech and jobs with nothing in return to the west then its an easy target. learn from others buy influence.

thank you for reading please post any feedback whether u agree or not?,


Lieutenant General
Not sure how one can see this as a change for the positive. Strategypage is anti-China and always makes it sound that China is no challenge and can easily be beaten. It's just most anti-China hawks use the rising China tactic to scare their way to get more money for the toys they want. It's the same song but sung to a different tune. Strategy page has been consistent.


Junior Member
Baibar of Jalat said:

Most countries have invested heavily in portraying itself favourably in the eyes of US administrations. India has an effective pro lobby establishment u see results with the Bush admin exchanging nuclear tech even though it is illegal under US law to sign a deal. Israel's is well documented influence( u prob know about it)

They are signing deal for peaceful use of nuclear tech not weapon's grade technology or materials . Though peaceful tech can be diverted into manufacturing weapons but since India has declared its nukes so no need to fear !! :D

But the truth is US is badly pissed in Iraq, it want friends among the Asian giants .(till 'Irani freedom'..... I think !!) :coffee:


VIP Professional
Japan also has a large air force, with a large force of F-15s and F-2s, potent aircraft flown by well-trained pilots.

Wow this strategypage writer needs to be updated. I don't think the F-2, which you can regard as a messy failure, to be anywhere near "potent".


New Member
Strategy-Page is really a neo-conservative foreign policy forum, not a military forum. Some of the things they say are laughable, and they don’t practically care about facts only spin. The forum is populated with rabidly xenophobic and moronic nuts. I am not really a commie lover myself, especially considering that I have an MBA. However at least I realize that communism is an economic system not a political one.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
In fact, nowaday the CCP is anything but a communist party. Only the first "C" is important, and does have some meaning to us. We Chinese have thrown away the ideological things decades ago. Bascially, only the Chinese traditions and economic conditions are the main concern of the government and the people, and this government is far from a "communist" one. It's sure not a "democratic" one, we all know it, but who cares. We don't need revelotions or wars to change the CCP or the government, they've already been completely changed in recent 20 years through the "reform", combining a still rising living standard to all of us, then what about the next 20 years? In recent 20 years, China doesn't fight a war with anybody, most Chinese live better, China remains united and peace with prosperity and some achievements. We don't need to shoot Iraqis for oil, we have no soldiers overseas, Muslims don't hate us, there's no IED on my road to the office, it's a happy thing, so what else, why do we need a dramatic change like overthrowing the government?:confused:

Talking about myself, 20 years ago, I even didn't know what a phone or a TV looks like.:nana: Today I have cellphones, laptops, and already bought a house like some other 10 million Chinese guys. I just couldn't imagine this 20 years ago. If somebody claims that this has nothing to do with the CCP or the government, he is wrong.