Aircraft Carriers III

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Here...let's punctuate what the JMSDF has done. Outside of the US Navy, I do not believe anyone else can line them up like this:

JS Hyuga DDH-181

JS Ise DDH-182

JS Izumo DDH-183

JS Kaga DDH-184
The Japanese have now launched four of these carriers since August 2007. That's four in eight years. Pretty good rate:

JS Hyuga, DDH-181, 8/22/2007
JS ISe, DDH-182, 8/21/2009
JS Izumo, DDH-183, 8/6/2013
JS Kaga, DDH-184, 8/27/2015
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Magnificent ships.. I'm sure those Izumo class DDH could handle 18-20 F-35B plus six helos...I have to wonder willl the deck take the heat of an F-35B exhaust????

One thing I don't like is that elevator in the fore section of the flight deck in front of the island..
I believe studies indicate that the Izumo class could in fact handle F-35Bs, but they would have to refit with additional heat treatment for it.

Supposedly, a follow on class is already in the works that are designed from the outset to be for STOVL, fixed-wing aircraft Four ships I believe.

But the funding has not come through for them yet.

If the Japanese in fact build four of those, then they would end up with eight total carriers.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Nope they are both treated since they are built to accept V-22 Osprey on their decks.
The V-22 and the F-35B have different heat signatures.

They may be treated for a V-22, but not be able to withstand an F-35B.

If they have already built the carrier for the F-35B...all the better. But I thought I read where the Izumo would have to have more heat treatment for the F-35B.

As I say, if not...bully for the JMSDF.


Junior Member
HMAS Canberra on exercise.




bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Nice photos....but were those helos really on the flight deck? Really.. I do not see a single sailor on the roof..It's too clean. Too me my salty eyes find it hard to believe that 5 helos are on the roof all by themselves.

I could be wrong...however...Nevermind.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I've just quickly looked at some other pictures of Foreign(Non-USN) carriers and you just don't see the activity on the flight deck that you see on a USN CVN. You just don't.... Nobody working on anything. No sailors sightseeing, skylarking..goofing off in other words...

I did see the crash and salvage crew on a JMSDF manning the fire trucks.

Oh well that's how they roll. So be it...