精忠報國 or 盡忠報國 (Yue Fei's tattoo)


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
盡忠報國 was exactly on YueFei's back,精忠岳飞 was written on a flag by 宋高宗(a empire of Song Dynasty) to apprciate and conmemarate YueFei.since 盡and精 pronouces almost the same and either of them could express the right meaning,ordinary chinese people use both of 2 spelling today,in mainland china,simplified editon of 盡 is used which is 尽.and 報國 is gonna to be 报国

宋高宗is not a empire of Song Dynasty. He is an emperor of Song Dynasty.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional